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Navarra by Frederick de Wit. c. 1690
Regni Navarrae Accurata Tabula.
[Item number: 28756]

Navarra by F. De Wit - Covens & Mortier 1721-41
Regni Navarrae Accurata Tabula.
[Item number: 23703]
![Marchena [on sheet with] Onchuna.](
Marchena and Osuna, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1588-97
Marchena [on sheet with] Onchuna.
[Item number: 22247]
![Marchena [on sheet with] Onchuna](
Marchena - Osuna by Braun & Hogenberg 1617
Marchena [on sheet with] Onchuna
[Item number: 13209]

Mallorca by Giovanni Francesco Camocio After 1575
De Maiorca Insula.
[Item number: 27562]

Madrid by Pierre Aveline, published in Paris by Jean. c. 1780
Madrid Villa Capital Del Reyno D'Espana, y Real Corte De Los ...
[Item number: 28776]

Madrid by F. de Wit. c. 1695
[Item number: 23866]
![Palacios [on sheet with:] Alcanerilla [and] Cabecas.](
Los Palacios y Villafranca - Las Alcantarillas - Las Cabezas de San Juan, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. c. 1610
Palacios [on sheet with:] Alcanerilla [and] Cabecas.
[Item number: 16715]

Loja, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1623
[Item number: 22365]

Loja, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1593
[Item number: 14706]

Loja, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg, after G. Hoefnagel. 1597
[Item number: 23253]

Lisbon (Lisboa) by Joannes Janssonius. 1657
Olisippo Lisabona.
[Item number: 29596]

Lisbon (Lisboa) by Bodenehr G. c.1716
[Item number: 13425]

León, Vizcaya and Guipuzcoa, by Jodocus Hondius. 1633
Legionis, Biscaiae Et Guispiscoae Typus.
[Item number: 26758]
![Le Brixa [on sheet with] Settenil.](
Lebrija & Settenil de las Bodegas, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1599
Le Brixa [on sheet with] Settenil.
[Item number: 24018]

Parergon map
Iberian Peninsula by Abraham Ortelius. 1595
Hispaniae Veteris Descriptio.
[Item number: 30080]

Iberian Peninsula (Spain & Portugal), by Frederick de Wit. c. 1680
Hispaniae, et Portugalliae Maritimi Tractus, à S. Andero, ad ...
[Item number: 29290]

Spain by Willem Blaeu. 1635
Regnorum Hispaniae nova descriptio.
[Item number: 28729]

Very important map.
Iberian Peninsula (Spain & Portugal) by Vincenzo Luchini. 1559
Hispaniae Descriptio.
[Item number: 28151]

Iberian Peninsula (Spain & Portugal) by Nicolas Sanson. 1659
Carte Generale d'Espagne et tous les Royaumes y compris.
[Item number: 29718]

Spain by Nicolas Sanson. 1652
Hispaniae Antiquae Tabulae.
[Item number: 29694]

Iberian Peninsula (Spain & Portugal) by Covens & Mortier. c. 1715
Novissima et Accuratissima Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae.
[Item number: 28238]

Iberian Peninsula (Spain & Portugal) by Abraham Ortelius. 1598
Regni Hispaniae post omnium editiones locupleissima Descrptio. / ...
[Item number: 29946]

Iberian Peninsula (Spain & Portugal) by 1680
Totius Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae.
[Item number: 28604]

Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) by Lorenz Fries. 1535
Tabu. Nova Hispaniae.
[Item number: 26762]

Granada, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1582
Granada 1563.
[Item number: 25487]

Granada, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1582
Granada 1563.
[Item number: 26670]

Granada by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1623
[Item number: 16665]

Granada by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg 1617-18
[Item number: 27746]

Granada - Murcia by Willem & Joan Blaeu. 1640
Granata et Murcia Regna.
[Item number: 28779]

Escorial in Madrid, by Abraham Ortelius. 1624
Scenographia Totius Fabricae S. Laurentii in Escoriali.
[Item number: 21112]

Eight flags of Spain and Portugal, by Pieter (Pierre) Mortier. 1700
Pavillons d'Espagne. &c. - Spaanse Vlaggen. &c.
[Item number: 26708]

Antequera, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1575
[Item number: 21641]

Cordoba, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. c. 1625
[Item number: 16385]
![Conil [on sheet with] Xeres de la Frontera](
Conil de la Frontera and Jerez de la Frontera, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg, after Georg Hoefnagel. 1576
Conil [on sheet with] Xeres de la Frontera
[Item number: 4133]

Coimbra by Braun & Hogenberg. 1596-1640
Illustris Civitati Conimbriae In Lusitania ad flumen Illundam ...
[Item number: 21345]