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All items are guaranteed authentic prints (woodcuts or engravings) or manuscripts made at or about (c.) the given date and in good condition unless stated otherwise. We don’t sell facsimiles or reproductions. We deliver every map with a Certificate of Authenticity containing all the details.

Raynal G. T. , Histoire philosophique et politique ... 1780. 1635


Histoire philosophique et politique des établissemens et du commerce des Européens dans les Deux Indes. Genève, Jean-Léonard Pellet, 1780.

€19000  ($19950 / £15770)
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Item Number:  24325 Authenticity Guarantee

Category:  Books > Books with Maps

Cohen (Livres à gravures du XVIIIe siècle), 854; Sabin (America), 68081; Brunet IV, 1126;

Portrait by Cochin, four plates engraved after "Moreau le Jeune". The 5th volume is an atlas with 50 maps engraved by Bonne, coloured in outline.

NICE COPY IN CONTEMPORARY RED MOROCCO with the coat of arms of an English family, not identified.

Best edition. A large part of this work is said to have been written by Diderot, and others. The sentiments and criticisms contained in it prevented its publication in France. The book was condemned by the French parliament and church dignitaries, and Raynal was obliged to leave France.