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Gerard Jollain, panoramic view of Stockholm c. 1678
Stokholm - Stocholmia totius Suetia metropolis, est admodum ...
[Item number: 31340]

Cambridgeshire, by Joan Blaeu. 1645
Cantabrigiensis Comitatus; Cambridge Shire.
[Item number: 27571]

Northern Stavanger (Norway) by Joan Blaeu. 1659
Episcopatus Stavangriae Pars Borealis.
[Item number: 30209]

Cyprus & other Greek Islands by Abraham Ortelius. 1601
Insular. aliquot Aegaei Maris Antiqua Descrip.
[Item number: 12452]

Cyprus by Pierre Moullart-Sanson. 1718
Cyprus Praestantia nulli cedens Insulae.
[Item number: 28632]

World by Hartmann Schedel. 1493
Secunda Etas Mundi.
[Item number: 30669]
Recent additions

Rare first edition of the important Coronelli-Nolin map of North America
North and Central America by Vincenzo Coronelli, published by J.B. Nolin. 1689
L'Amerique Septentrionale, ou la Partie Septentrionale des Indes ...
[Item number: 31338]

Extremely rare broadsheet of the Siege of Louvain
Louvain - Leuven 1635
[Item number: 31368]

Lithuania, by Gerard Mercator. 1628
[Item number: 31328]

Celestial chart showing the path of the sun's annual rotation around the earth, with a Zodiac Ring, by Andreas Cellarius. 1708
Solis circa Orbem Terrarum Spiralis Revolutio.
[Item number: 31332]
Welcome to Sanderus Antiquariaat
Antiquariaat Sanderus, named after the famous Flemish historian, Antonius Sanderus, is specialised in antiquarian books, medieval manuscripts, antique maps and prints from the 15th to the 18th centuries.
The company is a member of the Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association (ABA), the “The Belgian Royal Chamber of Antiques and Art Dealers” and the International Association of Antique Map Dealers (IAMA).