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Brazil by Henricus Hondius. c. 1610-1650
Accuratissima Brasiliae Tabula.
[Item number: 31316]

Important and rare map
South America, by Cornelis de Jode. 1593
Brasilia et Peruvia ...
[Item number: 25240]

South America by Jodocus Hondius. 1609
America Meridionalis.
[Item number: 29847]

Heightened in gold and silver
How Raleigh established friendly relations with the King of Arromaia. Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Gualtherus Ralegh amicitiam contrahit cum Rege Arromaia.
[Item number: 30711]

Heightened in gold and silver
How some peoples live in trees or high cliffs during the winter, with remarks on the ceremonies they hold for their dead. Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Populorum qui hyberno tempore in arboribus rupibusque habitant, ...
[Item number: 30716]

Heightened in gold and silver
How the Guyanese make their golden statues. Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Quomodo guiani avreas suas imagines fundere soleant.
[Item number: 30677]

Heightened in gold and silver
How Thomas Cavendish came to an island where the Indians gave him wood and fresh water. Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Quomodo duci Candisch, indiani in quodam loco ligna & aquam ...
[Item number: 30704]

Heightened in gold and silver
How Thomas Cavendish comes to an island where there are many strange seals. Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Quomodo dn. Candisch in quadaminsula multos canes marinos varij ...
[Item number: 30718]

Heightened in gold and silver
Pedro de Mendoza administers justice in the case of three thieves. Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Petrus Manchossa tribus furibus iusticiam administrat.
[Item number: 30712]

Heightened in gold and silver
The Spanish are treacherously killed by the Indians. Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Christiani ab indianis nefarie et fraudulenter trucidantur.
[Item number: 30709]

Heightened in gold and silver
What happened to Francis Drake not far from the island of Rio de Plata, Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Quid Dn. Francisco Draken non procul a rio de Platta acciderit.
[Item number: 30737]

In luxury colouring
South America by Johannes Janssonius 1666
Americae Pars Meridionalis.
[Item number: 30078]

South America, by Ottens R. & J. 1756
L'Amerique Meridionale Divisee en ses Principales Parties.
[Item number: 23510]

South America by N. Sanson, so-called published by Hubert Jaillot. (Pirated edition by Pierre Mortier). 1692
Amerique Meridionale Divisée en ses Principales Parties ou sont ...
[Item number: 31143]
![L'Amerique Meridionale Divisee en ses Principales Parties. [Above map:] America Meridionalis in suas Praecipuas Partes Accurate Divisa, ad Usum Serenissimi Burgundiae Ducis.](
South America, by Hubert Jaillot. c. 1691-97
L'Amerique Meridionale Divisee en ses Principales Parties. ...
[Item number: 29153]

South America by Guillaume Delisle, published by Pierre Mortier. 1708
L'Amerique Meridionale.
[Item number: 29511]

Brazil - Pernambuco (North) by Joan Blaeu. 1663
Praefecturae Paranambucae, pars Borealis, una cum Praefectura de ...
[Item number: 30149]

Important map in excellent condition
Brazil - Paraiba, by Joan Blaeu. 1663
Praefecturae de Paraiba, et Rio Grande.
[Item number: 25258]

Heightened in gold and silver.
Guyana - El Dorado by Theodore de Bry 1599
Neuwe Landtaffel, in welcher eigentlich, und warhafftiglich ...
[Item number: 28292]

Very rare first state
Guyana by Theodor de Bry. 1599
Neuwe Landtaffel, in welcher eigentlich, und warhafftiglich ...
[Item number: 27037]

Heightened in gold and silver
Concerning the 10 Spaniards who were attacked, beaten and robbed by the Indians. Great Voyages, De Bry. 1599
Decem Hispani ab Indianis opprimuntur, spoliantur & trucidantur.
[Item number: 30678]

The earliest obtainable view of any city within the United States
Drake's raids against St. Augustine, Cartagena, Santo Domingo and Praia, Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Expugnato civitatis S. Augustini in America sitae. / Franciscus ...
[Item number: 30739]

Brazil, by Willem Blaeu. c. 1640
Novus Brasiliae Typus.
[Item number: 29848]

Brazil by Henricus Hondius. 1638
Accuratissima Brasiliae Tabula.
[Item number: 29851]

Straits of Magellan, by Willem & Joan Blaeu. 1640
Tabula Magellanica, qua Tierrae del fuego, cum celeberrimis ...
[Item number: 27140]

Central America, by Pieter Goos. 1667
Pascaerte van Nova Hispania Chili, Peru, en Guatimala
[Item number: 19031]

Extremely rare
Playing cards of the capitals of the world
Un Tour dans les Capitales du Monde. Jeu instructif.
[Item number: 30802]

Pacific Coast of America, by Frederick de Wit. ca. 1680
Novae Hispaniae, Chili, Peruviae, et Guatimalae Littorae.
[Item number: 29177]

Bolivia, by Antonio de Herrera. 1723
Descripcion del Audiencia de los Charcas.
[Item number: 5222]

Sea chart of Brasil, by Frederick de Wit. ca. 1680
Littora Brasilliae. = Pascaert van Brasil.
[Item number: 29218]

Brazil by Girolamo Ruscelli. 1598
Brasil Nuova Tavola.
[Item number: 28430]

Brazil, by Ramusio G.B. 1563
[Item number: 26186]

Brazil, by C. van Wytfliet. 1607
[Item number: 26509]

Sea chart of Brazil, by Pieter Goos. 1667
Paskaart van Brasil van Rio de los Amazones, tot Rio de la Plata
[Item number: 19066]

With cannibals
Brazil by Langenes, published by Bertius P. 1602
[Item number: 26537]

Brazil, by Johannes de Laet. 1630
Provincia de Brasil cum Adiacentibus Provinciis.
[Item number: 25390]