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Important and rare print.
Battle of Lepanto (Greece), by Giovanni Francesco Camocio. c. 1575
Al Molto Sig. Gentile Carbonana da Gubio. Qui rappresento ...
[Item number: 27633]
![Typus octo longaru[m] naviu[m]. Anno M.VI.c.II ab Hispaniae rege missaru[m] ad Oceanum Belgicum infestandu[m]. quarum naviu[m] quatuor Angloru[m] atq³ Hollandoru[m] virtute conquassatae sunt et submersae: ceterae naufragio periere.](
Very important naval print: The first print published by the Blaeu family
Defeat of Spanish galleys by an Anglo-Dutch naval force off the coast of Flanders, 3-4 Oct. 1602. by Willem Blaeu c. 1602
Typus octo longaru[m] naviu[m]. Anno M.VI.c.II ab Hispaniae rege ...
[Item number: 26804]

Heightened in gold and silver
How Raleigh established friendly relations with the King of Arromaia. Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Gualtherus Ralegh amicitiam contrahit cum Rege Arromaia.
[Item number: 30711]

Heightened in gold and silver
How some peoples live in trees or high cliffs during the winter, with remarks on the ceremonies they hold for their dead. Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Populorum qui hyberno tempore in arboribus rupibusque habitant, ...
[Item number: 30716]

Heightened in gold and silver
How the Guyanese make their golden statues. Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Quomodo guiani avreas suas imagines fundere soleant.
[Item number: 30677]

Heightened in gold and silver
How Thomas Cavendish came to an island where the Indians gave him wood and fresh water. Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Quomodo duci Candisch, indiani in quodam loco ligna & aquam ...
[Item number: 30704]

Heightened in gold and silver
How Thomas Cavendish comes to an island where there are many strange seals. Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Quomodo dn. Candisch in quadaminsula multos canes marinos varij ...
[Item number: 30718]

Heightened in gold and silver
How Walter Raleigh conquered a city, and captured the Spanish governor. Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Gualtherus Ralegh expugnata vivitate, hispanum Gubernatorem ...
[Item number: 30715]

Heightened in gold and silver
What happened to Francis Drake not far from the island of Rio de Plata, Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Quid Dn. Francisco Draken non procul a rio de Platta acciderit.
[Item number: 30737]

Heightened in gold and silver
What was delivered to Cavendish on his voyage by a number of Indians. Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Quidam indiani ducem candisch in itinere adoriuntur.
[Item number: 30707]

The earliest obtainable view of any city within the United States
Drake's raids against St. Augustine, Cartagena, Santo Domingo and Praia, Great Voyages, De Bry, 1599
Expugnato civitatis S. Augustini in America sitae. / Franciscus ...
[Item number: 30739]

Fort St.-Nicholas (Batumi), by Max Beeger. 1854
Attaque du Fort St. Nicolas. / Attack on the Fort St. Nicholas.
[Item number: 27441]

Bésika or Tenedos (Turkey), by Max Beeger. 1854
Golf de Besika. - Arrivée de la Flotte Française. / The Gulf of B ...
[Item number: 27439]

The Anglo-French Fleet entering the Black Sea, by Louis Le Breton. c.1854
La Flotte Anglo-Française, entrant dans la Mer Noire 1854.
[Item number: 27444]

Beycos (Bosphorus), by Louis Le Breton. c.1854
Flotte Turco-Egyptienne, mouillée devant Beycos (Bosphore)
[Item number: 27445]

Odessa (Ukraine), by Louis Le Breton. c.1854
Bombardement du Port Impérial d'Odessa.
[Item number: 27443]

Sebastopol (Ukraine), by Max Beeger. 1854
Rade de Sébastopol. Observée par quatre Vapeurs de la Flotte A ...
[Item number: 27436]

Sinope (Turkey), by Max Beeger. 1854
Massacre de Sinope. / Massacre of Sinope.
[Item number: 27440]

English Baltic Fleet, by Louis Le Breton. c.1854
La 1ère Division de la Flotte Anglaise de la Baltique partant de ...
[Item number: 27446]