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First edition, heightened in gold.
Diagram of the moon, by Andreas Cellarius. 1660
Typus Selenographicus Lunæ Phases et Aspectus Varios Adumbrans.
[Item number: 30789]

Celestial chart showing the path of the sun's annual rotation around the earth, with a Zodiac Ring, by Andreas Cellarius. 1708
Solis circa Orbem Terrarum Spiralis Revolutio.
[Item number: 31332]

First edition, heightened in gold.
Geocentric celestial chart based on the observations of Greek didactic poet Aratus (c. 315/310 - 240 BC), by Andreas Cellarius. 1660
Planishaerium Arateum Sive Compages Orbium Mundanorum ex ...
[Item number: 30788]

Armillary sphere, terrestrial & celestial globes by Johann Baptist Homann. 1730-37
Sphaerarum Artificialium Typica Repraesentatio Novissime ...
[Item number: 28361]

Rare celestial map showing a new scientific depiction of the heavens.
Double hemisphere celestial map by Vincenzo Coronelli. 1691
Planisferii Celesti, Calcolati Per L'Anno MDCC, Corretti, Et ...
[Item number: 30784]

Southern Sky by Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr 1742
Haemisphaerium Coeli Australe.
[Item number: 13233]