Antique maps / Europe / British Isles - Cities
Showing 1 - 18 of 18 products
Galwaye [on sheet with] Dubline [and] Lymericke [and] Corcke.

Dublin, Galway, Limerick & Cork by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1635
Galwaye [on sheet with] Dubline [and] Lymericke [and] Corcke.
[Item number: 30541]

€2500  ($2625 / £2075)
Yorke [on sheet with] Shrowesbury [and] Lancaster [and] Richmont

York - Shrewsbury - Lancashire - Richmond by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg 1618
Yorke [on sheet with] Shrowesbury [and] Lancaster [and] Richmont
[Item number: 23407]

€680  ($714 / £564.4)
 Londinum, Feracissimi Agliae Regni Metropolis. [French title above map:] La Ville de Londres.

London, by François de Belleforest. 1575
Londinum, Feracissimi Agliae Regni Metropolis. [French title ...
[Item number: 27163]

€2500  ($2625 / £2075)
Londres Capitale de l'Angleterre.

London, by Pieter van der Aa. c. 1715
Londres Capitale de l'Angleterre.
[Item number: 26854]

€620  ($651 / £514.6)
Londinum Celeberrimum Angliae Emporium. - LONDON.

Extremely Rare panoramic view of London
Panoramic view of the City of London, by Rombout vanden Hoeye. c. 1638
Londinum Celeberrimum Angliae Emporium. - LONDON.
[Item number: 30543]

€4500  ($4725 / £3735)
Tour Towr, heist eigentlich ein Thurm, es wird aber absonderlich das Castell zu Londen an der Temse, von dem mitten darinnen stehenden Thurms, also gennet, ...

The Tower in London, by Gabriel Bodenehr. 1720
Tour Towr, heist eigentlich ein Thurm, es wird aber absonderlich ...
[Item number: 13435]

€200  ($210 / £166)
Edenburg - Edenburgum, Scotiae Metropolis.

Edinburgh by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg 1623
Edenburg - Edenburgum, Scotiae Metropolis.
[Item number: 27647]

€1500  ($1575 / £1245)
Alexandre Alesie Escossois, d'Edinbourg.

Edinburgh, by François de Belleforest. 1575
Alexandre Alesie Escossois, d'Edinbourg.
[Item number: 27164]

€270  ($283.5 / £224.1)
Brightstowe, Vulgo; Quondam Venta, Florentissimum.

Bristol, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1581
Brightstowe, Vulgo; Quondam Venta, Florentissimum.
[Item number: 26681]

€850  ($892.5 / £705.5)
Civitas Exoniae (vulgo Excester) Urbs Primaria in Comitatu Devoniae.

Exeter, by Braun and Hogenberg. 1617
Civitas Exoniae (vulgo Excester) Urbs Primaria in Comitatu ...
[Item number: 28937]

€750  ($787.5 / £622.5)
Palatium Regium in Angliae Regno Appelatum Nonciutz.

Nonsuch Palace at Hampton Court, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1617
Palatium Regium in Angliae Regno Appelatum Nonciutz.
[Item number: 27654]

€700  ($735 / £581)
Nordovicum, Angliae Civitas.

Norwich, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1581
Nordovicum, Angliae Civitas.
[Item number: 25426]

€750  ($787.5 / £622.5)
Oxonium Nobile Anglie Oppidum [on sheet with] Vindesorium Celeberrimum Angliae Castrum ...

Oxford and Windsor Castel, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1623
Oxonium Nobile Anglie Oppidum [on sheet with] Vindesorium ...
[Item number: 29346]

€900  ($945 / £747)
Un Tour dans les Capitales du Monde. Jeu instructif.

Extremely rare
Playing cards of the capitals of the world
Un Tour dans les Capitales du Monde. Jeu instructif.
[Item number: 30802]

€3200  ($3360 / £2656)
Brightstowe, Vulgo; Quondam Venta, Florentissimum.

Bristol, by Braun Georg & Hogenberg Frans 1616
Brightstowe, Vulgo; Quondam Venta, Florentissimum.
[Item number: 26909]

€500  ($525 / £415)

London by Hartmann Schedel 1493
[Item number: 24702]

€350  ($367.5 / £290.5)
A View of S. James's Palace Pall Mall - Vue de Palais royal de S Jacques Pall Mall.

Anonymous view of S. James's Palace in London. 1753 or later
A View of S. James's Palace Pall Mall - Vue de Palais royal de S ...
[Item number: 28986]

€400  ($420 / £332)
Nordovicum, Angliae Civitas.

Norwich by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg 1582
Nordovicum, Angliae Civitas.
[Item number: 27515]

€480  ($504 / £398.4)