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One of the most elaborately engraved maps ever published.
Pacific by Zacharias Châtelain after Nicolas de Fer. 1719
Carte tres Curieuse de la Mer du Sud, Contenant des Remarques ...
[Item number: 29466]

Map of New Zealand by James Cook. 1774
Carte de la Nlle-Zelande visitée en 1769 et 1770 par le ...
[Item number: 31053]

Globe gore with Northern Australia and the East Indies, by V.M. Coronelli. 1696
Nuova Guinea.
[Item number: 30785]

Important map
Tasman's first voyage, by François Valentyn. 1726
Kaart der Reyse van Abel Tasman Volgens syn eygen Opstel.
[Item number: 31086]

Very rare first 1570 A edition.
Southeast Asia, by Abraham Ortelius. 1570
Indiae Orientalis Insularumque Adiacientium Typus.
[Item number: 30592]

A very important map of the region
Southeast Asia, by Abraham Ortelius. 1572
Indiae Orientalis Insularumque Adiacientium Typus.
[Item number: 28046]

This map has the first accurate depiction of the Philippines
Southeast Asia by Willem & Joan Blaeu 1640-43
India quae Orientalis dicitur et Insulae Adiacentes.
[Item number: 26566]

The most accurate and one of the most elegant seventeenth-century maps of the East Indies
Southeast Asia by Janssonius, Johannes c. 1630-1650
Indiae Orientalis Nova Descriptio.
[Item number: 30855]

The most accurate and one of the most elegant seventeenth-century maps of the East Indies
Southeast Asia by Janssonius, Johannes 1644-58
Indiae Orientalis Nova Descriptio.
[Item number: 10013]

Very rare second state, including the Tasman discoveries (Australia).
Indian Ocean, by Petrus Schenk c. 1700
Mar di India.
[Item number: 27775]

Southeast Asia by Nicolaes Visscher, published by Petrus Schenk. c. 1740
Indiae Orientalis nec non Insularum Adiacentium Nova Descriptio.
[Item number: 25718]

Southeast Asia by Nicolaes Visscher I. 1678
Indiae Orientalis nec non Insularum Adiacentium Nova Descriptio.
[Item number: 28555]

Southeast Asia - Australia by Frederick de Wit. c. 1691-97
Indiae Orientalis nec non Insularum Adiacentium.
[Item number: 29091]

Pacific Ocean by Abraham Ortelius. 1601
Maris Pacifici, (quod vulgo Mar del Zur) cum regionibus ...
[Item number: 28744]

First state, 'Henricus Hondius'.
South Pole, by Henricus Hondius. 1637
Polus Antarcticus.
[Item number: 30054]

Scarce edition with New Zeeland & Tasmania by J. Janssonius.
South Pole, by Henricus Hondius, published by J. Janssonius. 1666
Polus Antarcticus.
[Item number: 30316]

New Guinea, by W.C. Schouten 1618
Caarte van Nova Guinea, Nieulijck inden iare 1616 bezeijlt, ende ...
[Item number: 25400]

Pacific Ocean, by Frederick de Wit. c. 1680
Magnum Mare del Zur cum Insula California = De Groote Zuyd-Zee ...
[Item number: 29241]
![Magallanica sive Terra Australis Incognita. [Title in map]](
Antarctic Region by Johannes Janssonius van Waesbergen. 1676
Magallanica sive Terra Australis Incognita. [Title in map]
[Item number: 28836]

View of Australia, by François Valentyn. 1726
Swarte Swaane drift op het Eyland Rottenest.
[Item number: 27920]

The Banda Islands (Southeast) & Northern Australia, by Fr. Valentyn. 1724-26
Kaart van de Zuyd-Ooster Eylanden van Banda.
[Item number: 26608]

Chart of the route of Schouten and Le Maire north of New Guinea, and the Moluccas, by A. de Herrera, published by M. Colijn. 1622
Caerte vande Landen vande Papouas ofte Nova Guinea nae de ...
[Item number: 4165]
![Mond van de Endeavour Rivier in Nieuw Zuid Wales [on sheet with] Botanie Baai in Nieuw Zuid Wales.](
Entrance of the Endeavour River and Botany Bay on Australia's east coast, by J.S. Stavorinus. 1793
Mond van de Endeavour Rivier in Nieuw Zuid Wales [on sheet with] ...
[Item number: 31054]

Indian Ocean by Pieter Vander Aa 1714
Basora En de Landschappen Tussen den Eufrat en Tiger stroom, een ...
[Item number: 31082]

Indonesia - New Guinea - Australia by J.B. Elwe. 1792
Partie de la Nouvelle Grande Carte des Indes Orientales, ...
[Item number: 2293]

Rare chart showing the route taken by Schouten and le Maire from South America to New Guinea, by Michiel Colijn. 1622
Caerte van de zeylage van Jacob le Maire over de Zuydzee, ...
[Item number: 25104]
![Magallanica sive Terra Australis Incognita. [Title in map]](
South Pole by Petrus Bertius. 1616
Magallanica sive Terra Australis Incognita. [Title in map]
[Item number: 29797]

With Tasman discoveries.
South Pole by Henri Du Sauzet. 1734
Terres Antarctiques.
[Item number: 28364]

Southeast Asia, by Giovanni Magini. 1597
India Orientalis.
[Item number: 26521]

Map and views of Tasmania, by François Valentyn. 1726
Anthony van Diemens Land | Het vaste Landt bezuyden den ...
[Item number: 27921]

Thévenot, Melcisédec. Relations de divers voyages curieux, ... Paris, 1663-624. c. 1658
Relations de divers voyages curieux, qui n'ont point esté ...
[Item number: 25428]

Southeast Asia, par Robert de Vaugondy. c. 1757
Archipel des Indes Orientales qui Comprend les Isles de la ...
[Item number: 4751]

California as an island
The Western Hemisphere, by Alain Manesson-Mallet. 1685
Nouveau Continent ou Amerique.
[Item number: 26644]