Merula P. - Cosmographiae Generalis ... 1621.
Cosmographiae Generalis Libri Tres: ...
Item Number: 4236 Authenticity Guarantee
Category: Books > Books with Maps
MERULA Paulus (1558-1607). *Cosmographiae Generalis Libri Tres*: Item Geographiae Particularis Libri Quatuor: Quibus Europa In Genere Speciatim Hispania Gallia Italia Describunter. Amsterdam: Henricus Hondius 1621. Colophon: Leyden: Isaac Elzevir 1620. Folio (350 x 220 mm). 8p, 1074pp, 1p, Half title, engraved title page, 57 engraved maps & 1 woodcut view (Madrid) in text. 4 inserted maps engraved by Van Doetechum (Europe, Spain, France and Italy).
First published in 1605, merula's *Cosmographiae generalis* is a comprehensive cosmographical work focusing on a description and history of Europe, particularly on the geography of the Mediterranean and Antique world. The four inserted maps are often wanting. Willems, 188;