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The most important collection of voyages to the New World
GOTFRIED J.L. (Abelin)

For a long time, this work has been attributed to J.F. Abelin, author of  Theatrum Europoeum and a collaborator of De Bry's.
The fact that the printer, Matheus Merian, was De Bry's son-in-law and continued his work and that in this book, he included plates and text previously published in De Bry's famous collection led many bibliographers to believe the Newe Welt to be a supplementary volume to the Grands Voyages.
The work is divided into three parts. The first contains the history, geography, and natural history of the Americas. It contains a résumé of the Histories of Acosta, Oviedo, Peter Martyr, Herrera, de Laet, etc. The second part contains the accounts of 33 voyages to America, from Columbus to Spilbergen and Schouten. The third part is concerned mainly with the voyage of Jacob l'Hermite, the conquests of Brazil by the Dutch and the remainder with other small voyages, descriptions of Mexico, Cuba, Guatemala, Guyana, and the expedition to Chile made by Henry Brouwer and Elias Herckman, etc.
The first edition was published in 1631.
Borba de Moraes: "It is obvious that the Newe Welt is an important and magnificent work. It is greatly sought after, expensive and rare."


Newe Welt und Americanische Historien. ...

€19000  ($19950 / £15770)
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Item Number:  2653 Authenticity Guarantee

Category:  Books > Books with Maps

 GOTFRIED J.L.,  Newe Welt und Americanische Historien. Inhaltende Warhafftige und volkommene Beschreibungen Aller West-Indianischen Landschaften Insulen Königreichen und Provinzen Seecusten fliessenden und stehenden Wassern Port und Anländungen. . . Deßgleichen Gründlicher Bericht von der Innwohner beschaffenheit Sitten Qualiteten. . . Item, Historische und Außführliche Relation 36. Fürnembster Schiffarten underschiedlicher Völcker in West-Indien Von der Ersten Entdeckung durch Christophorum Columbum biß auff dieses lauffende Jahr In 138 Jahren vollbracht. Mit zugehörigen Landtafeln Contrafacturen und Geschichtmeßigen Kupfferstücken zum Lust und Nachrichtung reichlich gezieret und verlegt.

Franckfurt am Main, Merianischen Erben, 1655. Folio.  Engraved printed title. 661pp, 1p. 5 folding maps, including the very important Virginia map by Schmidt (Burden, 219), a map of the Americas (Burden, 235), and 174 plates in text. (33,5 x 21 cm). Contemp. vellum, some soiling, engraved title page: upper right corner is torn off, not affecting the image, a few tears, backed. A few leaves with repaired tears. Good copy.

  Sabin (America) 50; Borba de Moraes, 371ff 

For a long time, this work has been attributed to J.F. Abelin, author of  Theatrum Europoeum and a collaborator of De Bry's.
The fact that the printer, Matheus Merian, was De Bry's son-in-law and continued his work and that in this book, he included plates and text previously published in De Bry's famous collection led many bibliographers to believe the Newe Welt to be a supplementary volume to the Grands Voyages.
The work is divided into three parts. The first contains the history, geography, and natural history of the Americas. It contains a résumé of the Histories of Acosta, Oviedo, Peter Martyr, Herrera, de Laet, etc. The second part contains the accounts of 33 voyages to America, from Columbus to Spilbergen and Schouten. The third part is concerned mainly with the voyage of Jacob l'Hermite, the conquests of Brazil by the Dutch and the remainder with other small voyages, descriptions of Mexico, Cuba, Guatemala, Guyana, and the expedition to Chile made by Henry Brouwer and Elias Herckman, etc.
The first edition was published in 1631.
Borba de Moraes: "It is obvious that the Newe Welt is an important and magnificent work. It is greatly sought after, expensive and rare."

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