New Guinea, by Tirion I. c. 1770
References: Koeman - 3, Tir 5-6 (93)
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Item Number: 19203 Authenticity Guarantee
Category: Antique maps > Asia > Southeast Asia
Old, antique map of New Guinea by Tirion I.
Date: c. 1770
Date on map: 1753
Copper engraving
Size (not including margins): 32 x 36cm (12.5 x 14 inches)
Verso: Blank
Condition: Old coloured.
Condition Rating: A+
References: Koeman 3, Tir 5-6 (93);.
From: Nieuwe en Beknopte Hand-Atlas, bestaande in eene Verzameling van eenige der algemeenste en nodigste Landkaarten ... Amsterdam, I. Tirion, c. 1770. (Koeman III, Tir 4)