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Eastern Mediterranean Sea by Jean Zuallart. c. 1604

Jean Zuallart (1541-1634)

Jean Zuallart was mayor of the town of Ath in Hainaut, Belgium, from 1584 to 1634. He made the pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 1586. He was in Rome in 1585, accompanying Philippe de Mérode, Baron of Frentzen, in his tour of Italy and Germany when de Merode suggested that they travel to Palestine. To gain an income, Zuallart learned to draw in four months and was thus able to illustrate the account of his pilgrimage, thus setting it apart from similar works and ensuring a success that led to several reeditions.


Mediteraneo e Colfo de Setelia.

€200  ($206 / £166)
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Item Number:  28484 Authenticity Guarantee

Category:  Antique maps > Asia > Turkey - Cyprus

Old, antique map of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, by Zuallart Jean. - RARE !

Title: Mediteraneo e Colfo de Setelia.

Date of the first edition: 1587.
Date of this map: c. 1604.

Copper engraving, printed on paper.
Size (not including margins): 90 x 125mm (3.54 x 4.92 inches).
Verso: Dutch text.
Condition: Backed with paper, shine-through of verso text.
Condition Rating: A.
References: Zacharakis, 3745/2412

From: Zuallart J. Le très dévot voyage de Jérusalem, ... Antwerp, Van Keerbergen, 1604. - Dutch edition (?).

Since this small print has a Dutch text on the back, it must come from an unknown (?) Dutch edition of this book.

Jean Zuallart (1541-1634)

Jean Zuallart was mayor of the town of Ath in Hainaut, Belgium, from 1584 to 1634. He made the pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 1586. He was in Rome in 1585, accompanying Philippe de Mérode, Baron of Frentzen, in his tour of Italy and Germany when de Merode suggested that they travel to Palestine. To gain an income, Zuallart learned to draw in four months and was thus able to illustrate the account of his pilgrimage, thus setting it apart from similar works and ensuring a success that led to several reeditions.

References: Zacharakis - 3745/2412

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