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Roman Empire in Europe, published by Melchior Tavernier. c. 1632

Melchior Tavernier I the elder (1564-1641)

'Graveur et imprimeur ordinaire du Roy', brother of Gabriel.

Gabriel Tavernier (1566-1610)

Flemish engraver.

Melchior Tavernier II the younger (1594-1665)

Son of Gabriel. Engraver, mapseller and publisher 'dans l'Isle du Palais à la Sphère Royale', Paris. He sold most of his plates and equipment to Pierre Mariette in 1644.

Jean Baptiste Tavernier (1605-1789)

Brother of Melchior. Began as a bookseller 'sur le quai de l'Horloge aux Trois Estoiles' à Paris. Became later a merchant, diplomat and traveller in Turkey, Persia, central Asia and the East Indies.


Patriarchatus Romanus

€300  ($309 / £249)
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Item Number:  30118 Authenticity Guarantee

Category:  Antique maps > Europe > Europe Continent

Old, antique map of the Roman Empire in Europe, published by Melchior Tavernier.

Title: Patriarchatus Romanus.
Parisiis aput M. Tavernier Scalptorem Regium & Excusorum Tabularum Geographicarum Hydrographicarum in Insula Palatij ad insegne Sphaerae Regio.
Cum privilegio Regis.
A. de la plaetsen fecit.

Cartographer: Abraham de la Plaetsen.

Date: c. 1632.

Copper engraving, printed on paper.
Image size: 375 x 520mm (14.76 x 20.47 inches).
Sheet size: 490 x 640mm (19.29 x 25.2 inches).
Verso: Blank.
Condition: Original coloured in outline, excellent.
Condition Rating: A+.

Separate publication

Melchior Tavernier I the elder (1564-1641)

'Graveur et imprimeur ordinaire du Roy', brother of Gabriel.

Gabriel Tavernier (1566-1610)

Flemish engraver.

Melchior Tavernier II the younger (1594-1665)

Son of Gabriel. Engraver, mapseller and publisher 'dans l'Isle du Palais à la Sphère Royale', Paris. He sold most of his plates and equipment to Pierre Mariette in 1644.

Jean Baptiste Tavernier (1605-1789)

Brother of Melchior. Began as a bookseller 'sur le quai de l'Horloge aux Trois Estoiles' à Paris. Became later a merchant, diplomat and traveller in Turkey, Persia, central Asia and the East Indies.

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