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Old, antique map of Germania by Ortelius A. 1612.


Germaniae Veteris Typus.


Item Number:  5747 Authenticity Guarantee

Category:  Antique maps > Europe > Germany

Old, antique historical map of Germania by Ortelius A.

Date of the first edition: 1595
Date of this map: 1612.

Copper engraving
Size (not including margins): 37 x 47cm (14.3 x 18.3 inches)
Verso text: Italian
Condition: Original coloured, excellent.
Condition Rating: A
References: Van der Krogt 3, 2000H:31B; Van den Broecke, 200.

From: Theatro del Mondo di Abrahamo Ortelio. Antwerpen, Plantin Press (J.&B. Moretus), 1612. (Van der Krogt 3, 1:652)

References: Van der Krogt 3 - 2000H:31B; Van den Broecke - 200

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