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Indian Ocean (North), by J.B. Elwe. 1792

Jan Barend Elwe (florished 1785-1809)

The Amsterdam bookseller and publisher, J.B. Elwe, was probably of foreign origin. His activities in the book trade date back to 1785, a date found on an atlas.



Partie de la Nouvelle Grande Carte des Indes Orientales, Contenant les Isles Maldives, Ceylan, Malacca, Sumatra &c.

€480  ($504 / £398.4)
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Item Number:  2363 Authenticity Guarantee

Category:  Antique maps > Asia > India - Ceylon

Old, antique map of the Northern Ondian Ocean with Malaysia, Sumatra,the Maldives and Ceylon, by J.B. Elwe.
With 3 insets: Carte de Royaume de Couchin de Coilan et de Cranganor; Carte de Nigomob, Colombo; Carte de Princepaute de Soerabaye et Terre de Grissik.

Date of the first edition: 1792
Date of this map: 1792

Copper engraving, printed on paper.
Size (not including margins): 52.5 x 61cm (20.5 x 23.8 inches)
Verso: Blank
Condition: Original coloured, excellent.
Condition Rating: A+
References: Koeman, II El2 (29).

From: Atlas. Amsterdam, J.B. Elwe, 1792. (Koeman, II, El2)

This is the third map of Elwe's Southeast Asia in four sheets, made after R. & J. Ottens.

Jan Barend Elwe (florished 1785-1809)

The Amsterdam bookseller and publisher, J.B. Elwe, was probably of foreign origin. His activities in the book trade date back to 1785, a date found on an atlas.


References: Koeman - II El2 (29)

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