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Map of the Battle of Poltawa (Ukraine) in 1709, by Pierre Husson. c. 1709

Pierre Husson (1678-1733)

Pierre (Pieter), a publisher in Den Haag, was a neighbour of Mrs Anna Beek, with whom he shared his interest in publishing plans of battlefields and fortifications during the War of Succession (1702-1713).
A collection of maps and plans by various authors was brought together in an atlas, to which was added the title page of Nicolas Visscher's Variae tabulae geographicae in quibus loca in orbe bello, now with the address of Pierre Husson.


Plan de la fameuse Bataille donnee aux environs de Poltawa en Ucraine Entre l'Armee de sa Majesté Csarienne Pierre I. Empereur de la Grande Russie et celle de S.M. le Roy de Suede Charles XII. me 27 Juin -8 Jullet 1709.

€2500  ($2575 / £2075)
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Item Number:  29587 Authenticity Guarantee

Category:  Antique maps > Europe > Eastern Europe

Old, antique map of the Battle of Poltawa (Ukraine) in 1709, by Pierre Husson.


Title: Plan de la fameuse Bataille donnee aux environs de Poltawa en Ucraine Entre l'Armee de sa Majesté Csarienne Pierre I. Empereur de la Grande Russie et celle de S.M. le Roy de Suede Charles XII. me 27 Juin -8 Jullet 1709.
A la Haye chez Pierre Husson.

Oriented to the northeast.

Date: c. 1709.

Copper engraving, printed on paper.
Map size: 500 x 580mm (19.69 x 22.83 inches).
Sheet size: 510 x 610mm (20.08 x 24.02 inches).
Verso: Blank.
Condition: Original coloured, excellent.
Condition Rating: A+.

From: Variae tabulae geographicae un quibus loca in orbe bello flagrantia conspiciuntur ut in Flandria, Brabantia, Leodiensi Tractu, Germania, Hungaria, . . . Diverses cartes de geographie, où l'in peut voir le theatre de la guerre dans tout le monde. Comme dans les pais de Flandres, de Brabant, de Liège, d'Allemagne, de Hongrie, . . . Den Haag, P. Husson, s.d. (c. 1709). (Koeman II, p. 155, Hus1)

Pierre Husson (1678-1733)

Pierre (Pieter), a publisher in Den Haag, was a neighbour of Mrs Anna Beek, with whom he shared his interest in publishing plans of battlefields and fortifications during the War of Succession (1702-1713).
A collection of maps and plans by various authors was brought together in an atlas, to which was added the title page of Nicolas Visscher's Variae tabulae geographicae in quibus loca in orbe bello, now with the address of Pierre Husson.

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