Extremely rare wall-map of France by C. Tassin, in four sheets
France, Christophe Tassin, with a panoramic view of Paris. 1634-37
One recorded copy in France: Paris, Bibl. Sorbonne.
Tassin Christophe Nicolas. (? - 1660)
Christophe Tassin was a French cartographer known for his atlases of France, Spain, Germany, and Switzerland.
He was 'Ingenieur-géographe du roi'. He used this title only between 1633 and 1638. In 1633 Tassin published an atlas of France and Spain, Cartes générales des provinces de France et d’ Espagne; one of Germany, Cartes généralis des royaumes et provinces de la haute et basse Allemagna; and one of the Low Countries, Plans et profils des principales villes du duché de Lorraine, avec les cartes generale et particulieres de chacun gouvernement d’iucelles.
In 1644, Tassin ended his work and sold his copper plates of maps to Antoine de Fer, who published them in many subsequent editions.
Carte Generalle [sic] de France.
Item Number: 30989 Authenticity Guarantee
Category: Antique maps > Europe > France
Wall map of France by C. Tassin.
With an unrecorded view of Paris. (7 x 14,3 cm) - Not in Boudier.
Title: Carte Generalle [sic] de France.
Par previllege [sic] du Roy. 1634.
Date of the first edition: 1634.
Date of this map: 1634-37.
Date on map: 1634.
Copper engraving, printed on paper.
Image size: 655 x 880mm (25.79 x 34.65 inches).
Sheet size: 725 x 915mm (28.54 x 36.02 inches).
Verso: Blank.
Condition: Lower centrefold split reinforced.
Condition Rating: A+
From: Les cartes generales de toutes les provinces de France, royaumes et provinces de l'Europe, Reveües, corrigées & augmentées par le S[ieu]r Tassin geographe ordinaire de sa majesté Par privilege du roy. 1637. (Pastoureau, p. 441, TASSIN II B)
One recorded copy in France: Paris, Bibl. Sorbonne.
Tassin Christophe Nicolas. (? - 1660)
Christophe Tassin was a French cartographer known for his atlases of France, Spain, Germany, and Switzerland.
He was 'Ingenieur-géographe du roi'. He used this title only between 1633 and 1638. In 1633 Tassin published an atlas of France and Spain, Cartes générales des provinces de France et d’ Espagne; one of Germany, Cartes généralis des royaumes et provinces de la haute et basse Allemagna; and one of the Low Countries, Plans et profils des principales villes du duché de Lorraine, avec les cartes generale et particulieres de chacun gouvernement d’iucelles.
In 1644, Tassin ended his work and sold his copper plates of maps to Antoine de Fer, who published them in many subsequent editions.