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Ottoman Empire by Gerard and Leonard Valck. c. 1700

The Valk Family

Gerard Valk (Valck) (1652-1726) was Amsterdam's publisher, engraver, art seller, and globemaker. He was trained under Abraham Bloteling, later becoming his assistant. The two moved to London, where Valk worked with various map and print sellers. He married Abraham's sister, Maria Bloteling, in London around 1673; in that city, his son and successor, Leonard, was born in 1675.
Not long after, Bloteling and Valk returned to Amsterdam, where Gerard Valk was registered as a burgher on December 8, 1679.
Around 1680 he began working with the German engraver Petrus Schenk as an engraver, publisher, map and print-sellers. They acquired the plates for the Janssonius Novus Atlas and Sanson's maps. Although they never shared premises, they worked closely together in the publications of editions of these works. Valk and his son Leonard are best known for their globemaking. In addition to globes newly compiled from the latest geographical and astronomical information, the Valk's published theoretical works on astronomy and globes.
In 1710, the family tie between the two partners, Valk and Schenk, became even closer when Gerard's son Leonard Valk (1675-1746) married Maria Schenk (1688-1770), Petrus' daughter.
After the death of Gerard in 1726, the business continued in the hands of his son Leonard and Gerard's widow Maria until she died in 1729, and then by Leonard until he died in 1746.


Imperium Turcicum in Europa, Asia et Africa, divisum in sua Regna et Regiones, nempe Graeciam, Natoliam, Armeniam, Arabiam, Aegyptum, Regna Algeriae, Tunetanum, Tripoleos et Barcae, cum reliquis adjacentibus regionibus.

€550  ($577.5 / £456.5)
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Item Number:  28322 Authenticity Guarantee

Category:  Antique maps > Asia > Middle East

Old, antique map of Ottoman Empire, by Valck G. & L..

Title: Imperium Turcicum in Europa, Asia et Africa, divisum in sua Regna et Regiones, nempe Graeciam, Natoliam, Armeniam, Arabiam, Aegyptum, Regna Algeriae, Tunetanum, Tripoleos et Barcae, cum reliquis adjacentibus regionibus.
per Gerardum et Leonardum Valk. cum Privil.

With inset of Northwest Africa.

Cartographer: Nicolaes Visscher II.

Publication date: c. 1700

Copper engraving, printed on paper.
Size (not including margins): 490 x 595mm (19.29 x 23.43 inches).
Verso: Blank.
Condition: Original coloured, excellent.
Condition Rating: A+.

From: Composite Atlas, c. 1700.

The Valk Family

Gerard Valk (Valck) (1652-1726) was Amsterdam's publisher, engraver, art seller, and globemaker. He was trained under Abraham Bloteling, later becoming his assistant. The two moved to London, where Valk worked with various map and print sellers. He married Abraham's sister, Maria Bloteling, in London around 1673; in that city, his son and successor, Leonard, was born in 1675.
Not long after, Bloteling and Valk returned to Amsterdam, where Gerard Valk was registered as a burgher on December 8, 1679.
Around 1680 he began working with the German engraver Petrus Schenk as an engraver, publisher, map and print-sellers. They acquired the plates for the Janssonius Novus Atlas and Sanson's maps. Although they never shared premises, they worked closely together in the publications of editions of these works. Valk and his son Leonard are best known for their globemaking. In addition to globes newly compiled from the latest geographical and astronomical information, the Valk's published theoretical works on astronomy and globes.
In 1710, the family tie between the two partners, Valk and Schenk, became even closer when Gerard's son Leonard Valk (1675-1746) married Maria Schenk (1688-1770), Petrus' daughter.
After the death of Gerard in 1726, the business continued in the hands of his son Leonard and Gerard's widow Maria until she died in 1729, and then by Leonard until he died in 1746.

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