Holy Land, by Paolo Santini. 1776-79
Francesco and Paolo Santini (c.1729-1793)
Francesco Santini, a Venetian publisher, acquired the printing plates of Vaugondy’s Atlas Universel …, a commercial and cartographic success, with widespread influence on mapmakers throughout Europe. Together with his brother Paolo, he commissioned a new set of plates and reissued the atlas in 1776. The following year, Paolo Santini assigned all his publication rights to M. Remondini, who in 1777 reissued the same atlas but with his name.
La Judée ou Terre Sainte divisée en ses Douze Tribus.
Item Number: 27015 Authenticity Guarantee
Category: Antique maps > Asia > Holy Land
Old, antique map of the Holy Land, by Paolo Santini.
With inset: Carte de la Terre de Canaan ou Terre Promise, à Abraham, et à sa Postérité, ...
Cartographer: Sr Robert de Vaugondy
Date of the first edition: 1779
Date of this map: 1779
Copper engraving, printed on paper.
Size (not including margins): 48 x 61cm (18.7 x 23.8 inches)
Verso: Blank
Condition: Original coloured in outline, excellent.
Condition Rating: A+
References: cf. Pedley, #393.
From: Atlas Universel dressé sur les meilleures cartes modernes. Venice, Remondini, 1776-79.
Francesco and Paolo Santini (c.1729-1793)
Francesco Santini, a Venetian publisher, acquired the printing plates of Vaugondy’s Atlas Universel …, a commercial and cartographic success, with widespread influence on mapmakers throughout Europe. Together with his brother Paolo, he commissioned a new set of plates and reissued the atlas in 1776. The following year, Paolo Santini assigned all his publication rights to M. Remondini, who in 1777 reissued the same atlas but with his name.
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