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Early Tavernier with an exclusive text beneath. RARE!
Switzerland by Melchior Tavernier. c. 1630-1650

According to Fordham (in Phillips, IV, p. 463, 5222/88), this map is, along with the Carte et Description Générale de la Valtoline, Tavernier's two earliest printed maps.
Rare - Not recorded by Sceffer.

The Tavernier Family.

Engravers, booksellers and publishers in Paris.

There were two Melchiors; they flourished concurrently, making their contribution impossible to distinguish.

Melchior Tavernier I, the elder  (1564-1641)

Gabriel Tavernier  (1566-1610)

Flemish engraver.

Melchior Tavernier II, the younger  (1594-1665)

Son of Gabriel Tavernier. Engraver, mapseller and publisher 'dans l'Isle du Palais à la Sphère Royale', Paris.

He sold the works of Hondius, Janssonius and Willem Blaeu as some of the earliest published works of Nicolas Sanson. He sold most of his plates and equipment to Pierre Mariette in 1644.

Jean Bapitiste Tavernier  (1605-1689)

He was the brother of Melchior and later became a merchant, diplomat, and traveller in Turkey, Persia, Central Asia, and the East Indies.


Charte de la Suisse, de la Rhetie, ou des Grisons, de la Valtelin, du Valay,

€1150  ($1207.5 / £954.5)
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Item Number:  30851 Authenticity Guarantee

Category:  Antique maps > Europe > Italy

Switzerland by Melchior Tavernier.

Title: Charte de la Suisse, de la Rhetie, ou des Grisons, de la Valtelin, du Valay,

& autres Seigneuries Voisines Exactement dressee sur les Lieux par Gaspr Baudouin Ingenieur Militaire & Capitaine de L artillerie du Roy d'Espagne en L Etat de Milan 1625.
A Paris chez Melchior Tavernier demeurant en Lisle du Palais sur le quay qui Regarde la Megiserie.

In the lower margin, a printed text explaining Switzerland's composition is followed by M. Tavernier's imprint and the date M.DC.XXV [1625].

Cartographer: Gaspar Baudouin.
Engraver: Melchior Tavernier.

Date of the first edition: 1625.
Date of this map: c. 1625.
Date on map: 1625.

Copper engraving, printed on thick paper.
Image size: 380 x 515mm (14.96 x 20.28 inches).
Sheet size: 505 x 690mm (19.88 x 27.17 inches).
Verso: Blank.
Condition: Original coloured, side margins extended; excellent.
Condition Rating: A+.

From a French Composite Atlas, c. 1630-1650.

Appeared in: Theatre geographique du royaume de France. Paris, M. Tavernier, 1632. (Pastoureau, II A)

According to Fordham (in Phillips, IV, p. 463, 5222/88), this map is, along with the Carte et Description Générale de la Valtoline, Tavernier's two earliest printed maps.
Rare - Not recorded by Sceffer.

The Tavernier Family.

Engravers, booksellers and publishers in Paris.

There were two Melchiors; they flourished concurrently, making their contribution impossible to distinguish.

Melchior Tavernier I, the elder  (1564-1641)

Gabriel Tavernier  (1566-1610)

Flemish engraver.

Melchior Tavernier II, the younger  (1594-1665)

Son of Gabriel Tavernier. Engraver, mapseller and publisher 'dans l'Isle du Palais à la Sphère Royale', Paris.

He sold the works of Hondius, Janssonius and Willem Blaeu as some of the earliest published works of Nicolas Sanson. He sold most of his plates and equipment to Pierre Mariette in 1644.

Jean Bapitiste Tavernier  (1605-1689)

He was the brother of Melchior and later became a merchant, diplomat, and traveller in Turkey, Persia, Central Asia, and the East Indies.

References: Blumer (Schweiz) - p. 61, #90 & p. 132 (ill.); Pastoureau - Tavernier IIA, p.474, #61; Phillips (Atlases) - IV, p. 463, 5222/88; Sceffer (Rezia, 2006) - Not recorded.

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