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Asia by Th. Danckerts. c. 1700

The Danckerts Family.

The Danckerts family of Amsterdam was one of the best-known print and map sellers in 17th century Amsterdam. Their business activity covered a vast period, from ca. 1633. From 1669 until 1701, father Justus and his sons had their shop in the ‘Calverstraet in de Danckbaerheyt’.

Cornelis Danckerts (1561-1631) was a printseller born in Amsterdam and active in Antwerp.

Cornelis Danckerts, the elder (1603-1656) was an engraver and publisher in Amsterdam and Nieuwendijk. Son of Cornelis (above), whom he succeeded in 1631.

The house of Danckerts gained its greatest fame from Justus Danckerts (1635-1701 - son of Cornelis the elder) and his two sons, Theodorus and Cornelis. Dancker Danckerts (1634-1666), the elder brother of Justus, was known for his etchings of paintings, maps, and publications.

The grandfather, father, and sons were highly skilled and excellent artistic drafters and engravers. They are famous for the edition of their Atlas, which appeared from ca. 1686, and for several monumental and beautiful wall maps and views. However, compared with that published by the Blaeu's or Janssonius's, their cartographic work has attracted little attention and has never received proper recognition.

 On 14 August 1684, Justus and his sons obtained the privilege from the States of Holland for their publications. In 1713, twelve years after Justus Danckerts, the heirs decided to sell part of the stock of maps and atlases and many copperplates. In 1727, after the death of the last surviving brother Theodorus, a final sale took place.


Exactissima Asiae Delineatio in praecipuas regiones Caeterasq Partes divisa.

€650  ($669.5 / £539.5)
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Item Number:  11298 Authenticity Guarantee

Category:  Antique maps > Asia > Asia

Old, antique map of Asia by Th. Danckerts.

Title: Exactissima Asiae Delineatio in praecipuas regiones Caeterasq Partes divisa.
et denuo in lucem edita
Per | I. Danckaerts | Amstelodami cum Privilegio.

Date: c. 1700.

Copper engraving, printed on paper.
Size (not including margins): 494 x 574mm (19.45 x 22.6 inches).
Verso: Blank.
Condition: Original coloured, excellent.
Condition Rating: A+.

From: Atlas. (after 1696).

The Danckerts Family.

The Danckerts family of Amsterdam was one of the best-known print and map sellers in 17th century Amsterdam. Their business activity covered a vast period, from ca. 1633. From 1669 until 1701, father Justus and his sons had their shop in the ‘Calverstraet in de Danckbaerheyt’.

Cornelis Danckerts (1561-1631) was a printseller born in Amsterdam and active in Antwerp.

Cornelis Danckerts, the elder (1603-1656) was an engraver and publisher in Amsterdam and Nieuwendijk. Son of Cornelis (above), whom he succeeded in 1631.

The house of Danckerts gained its greatest fame from Justus Danckerts (1635-1701 - son of Cornelis the elder) and his two sons, Theodorus and Cornelis. Dancker Danckerts (1634-1666), the elder brother of Justus, was known for his etchings of paintings, maps, and publications.

The grandfather, father, and sons were highly skilled and excellent artistic drafters and engravers. They are famous for the edition of their Atlas, which appeared from ca. 1686, and for several monumental and beautiful wall maps and views. However, compared with that published by the Blaeu's or Janssonius's, their cartographic work has attracted little attention and has never received proper recognition.

 On 14 August 1684, Justus and his sons obtained the privilege from the States of Holland for their publications. In 1713, twelve years after Justus Danckerts, the heirs decided to sell part of the stock of maps and atlases and many copperplates. In 1727, after the death of the last surviving brother Theodorus, a final sale took place.

References: Yeo (Asia) - #81

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