World by Pieter Van der Aa - double hemisphere. 1702
Nova Delineatio Totius Orbis Terrarum per Petrum Van der Aa. - Nouveau Carte du Monde.
Item Number: 30150 Authenticity Guarantee
Category: Antique maps > World and Polar
World - Double Hemisphere, by Pieter Van der Aa, published by L.J. Gottfried.
Title: Nova Delineatio Totius Orbis Terrarum per Petrum Van der Aa. - Nouveau Carte du Monde.
Cartographer: Arnold Colom / Pieter Van der Aa.
Engraver: Jacob van Meurs.
Date: 1702.
Copper engraving, printed on paper.
Image size: 260 x 350mm (10.24 x 13.78 inches).
Sheet size: 340 x 400mm (13.39 x 15.75 inches).
Verso: Blank.
Condition: Lower centrefold split reinforced.
Condition Rating: A.
From: Joh. Lodew. Gottfrieds Historische kronyck, ... Amsterdam, P. Vander Aa, 1702.
Re-issue of 1660 map by Jacob van Meurs, itself a copy of c.1655 map of Arnold Colom.
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