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East Indies by van Spilbergen Joris. 1645

This untitled map of the East Indies and the Philippines is copied from the one published in 1619 in De Bry's Grand Voyages. The map is called 'Mar Di India', after this text in the bottom left corner. The map now has an inset map of Buton Island in the upper right corner. The inclusion of this little known Island, seemingly at the expense of the actual Spice Islands of Ternate, Tidoe and the Banda Islands group further to the northeast and east, seems strange on a chart specifically designed to show the route to the Moluccas unless this channel was an important, if somewhat dangerous part of the route to the actual Spice Islands. The island produced no spices but was frequently mentioned in seventeenth-century European accounts of the East Indies. It was an essential stop for VOC ships en route from their headquarters at Batavia and Makassar to the Moluccan Sice Islands.

Joris van Spilbergen (1568-1620)

Dutch admiral and circumnavigator. One of the first Dutch voyagers to the East, undertaking a voyage to Ceylon and Bantam 1601-1604 and a circumnavigation journey 1614-1617.


[No title] - 'Mar di India'.

€2000  ($2100 / £1660)
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Item Number:  30057 Authenticity Guarantee

Category:  Antique maps > Asia > Southeast Asia

Old, antique map of Southeast Asia by Joris van Spilbergen.

Title: [No title] - 'Mar di India'.

Date of the first edition: 1645.
Date of this map: 1645.

Copper engraving, printed on paper.
Image size: 320 x 445mm (12.6 x 17.52 inches).
Sheet size: 325 x 450mm (12.8 x 17.72 inches).
Verso: Blank.
Condition: Folds as issued, very good condition
Condition Rating: A+

From: Begin ende Voortgangh, Van De Vereenighde Nederlantsche Geoctroyeerde Oost-indische Compagnie. Amstedam, J. Janssonius, 1645.

This untitled map of the East Indies and the Philippines is copied from the one published in 1619 in De Bry's Grand Voyages. The map is called 'Mar Di India', after this text in the bottom left corner. The map now has an inset map of Buton Island in the upper right corner. The inclusion of this little known Island, seemingly at the expense of the actual Spice Islands of Ternate, Tidoe and the Banda Islands group further to the northeast and east, seems strange on a chart specifically designed to show the route to the Moluccas unless this channel was an important, if somewhat dangerous part of the route to the actual Spice Islands. The island produced no spices but was frequently mentioned in seventeenth-century European accounts of the East Indies. It was an essential stop for VOC ships en route from their headquarters at Batavia and Makassar to the Moluccan Sice Islands.

Joris van Spilbergen (1568-1620)

Dutch admiral and circumnavigator. One of the first Dutch voyagers to the East, undertaking a voyage to Ceylon and Bantam 1601-1604 and a circumnavigation journey 1614-1617.

References: Parry - p.90-92, Afb. 4.9

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