Antique maps / Europe / Belgium - Cities
Showing 37 - 72 of 346 products
Anschlag des Kapitain Simpel auf die Stadt Lier.

Attempt of Captain Simpel to capture the City of Lier. 1583-1612
Anschlag des Kapitain Simpel auf die Stadt Lier.
[Item number: 10061]

€240  ($256.8 / £204)
Tabula Praelii Prope Neoportum Commissi II IULII M D C.

Battle of Nieuwpoort (Slag van Nieuwpoort), by Joan Blaeu. 1649
Tabula Praelii Prope Neoportum Commissi II IULII M D C.
[Item number: 27945]

€700  ($749 / £595)
de Lycques in Baseele [on sheet with] Logenhaghen.

Bazel (Kruibeke) & Logenhagen (Steendorp / Temse) by Antonius Sanderus. 1732
de Lycques in Baseele [on sheet with] Logenhaghen.
[Item number: 30770]

€220  ($235.4 / £187)
Affligenium Vulgo Affligem Primaria ac nobilissima in Ducatu Brabantiae, ordinis S. Benedicti Abbatia.

Benedictine Abbey of Affligem, by Antonius Sanderus. 1726
Affligenium Vulgo Affligem Primaria ac nobilissima in Ducatu ...
[Item number: 30779]  new

€450  ($481.5 / £382.5)

Beurs (Antwerp) by Lodovico Guicciardini. 1582
[Item number: 18161]

€160  ($171.2 / £136)

Bird's-eye view of Izegem by Antonius Sanderus. 1732
[Item number: 30758]  new

€200  ($214 / £170)
Anverpia, nobile in Brabantia oppidum, ...

Antwerp, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenb 1593
Anverpia, nobile in Brabantia oppidum, ...
[Item number: 30614]

€1500  ($1605 / £1275)
Lokeren [on sheet with] Exaerde

Bird's-eye view plan of Lokeren and the castle of Eksaarde (Lokeren) by Antonius Sanderus. 1732
Lokeren [on sheet with] Exaerde
[Item number: 30771]  new

€260  ($278.2 / £221)
Blancoberga Maritimum Flandriae oppidulum Piscatione et propugnaculo Regio famosum - Thoraltum vulgo Thorout, Antiquissimum Flandriae oppidum - Lichtervelde antiqui nominis pagus in Ditione Franconatum - Gistella Oppidum in ditione Franconatum Baronatus titulo nobile

Rare Dutch text edition
Blankenberge, Torhout, Lichtervelde, Gistel by J. Blaeu. 1652
Blancoberga Maritimum Flandriae oppidulum Piscatione et ...
[Item number: 30803]  new

€950  ($1016.5 / £807.5)
Praetorium D. Ioannis Casparis de Trompe Toparchi de Boesinghen. In Castellania Iprensi - Rousselare Lat. Rollarium Gall. Roullers - Praetorium Domini de Poteghem - Harlebeka

Rare Dutch text edition
Boezinge, Roeselare, Potegem, Harelbeke by J. Blaeu. 1652
Praetorium D. Ioannis Casparis de Trompe Toparchi de Boesinghen. ...
[Item number: 30807]  new

€800  ($856 / £680)

Bornem by Antonius Sanderus. 1644
[Item number: 21711]

€220  ($235.4 / £187)

Bruges- Academy (Brugge - Academie) by H. Borremans 1837-40
[Item number: 312]

€300  ($321 / £255)
Praetorium Domini de Novarets In S. Micchaelis Paraecia.

Brugge - St.-Michiels - Kasteel Novarets, by Antonius Sanderus. 1641
Praetorium Domini de Novarets In S. Micchaelis Paraecia.
[Item number: 2895]

€150  ($160.5 / £127.5)

Brugge by D. Fassmann 1726
[Item number: 5949]

€350  ($374.5 / £297.5)
Brugae Flandicarum Urbium Decus.

Brugge by Lodovico Guicciardini. 1612
Brugae Flandicarum Urbium Decus.
[Item number: 29763]

€280  ($299.6 / £238)
Brugae, Flandricarum Urbium Ornamenta.

Brugge, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1645
Brugae, Flandricarum Urbium Ornamenta.
[Item number: 30627]  new

€600  ($642 / £510)
Eglise de Ste Gudule à Bruxelles - The Cathedral Church of Ste Gudule at Brussel.

Brussel - Bruxelles - Ste Gudule, by Granello L. c. 1846
Eglise de Ste Gudule à Bruxelles - The Cathedral Church of Ste ...
[Item number: 21815]

€250  ($267.5 / £212.5)
Bruxella fontium copia coelu amoemtate et aedificiorum, splendore nobiliss.

Brussel - Bruxelles by Ludovico Guicciardini. 1609
Bruxella fontium copia coelu amoemtate et aedificiorum, ...
[Item number: 30814]  new

€300  ($321 / £255)

Brussel - Bruxelles by Matthäus Merian & Martin Zeiller. 1659
[Item number: 27410]

€400  ($428 / £340)

Brussel - Bruxelles, by Clement de Jonghe. 1675
[Item number: 28120]

€3000  ($3210 / £2550)
Place Royale à Bruxelles. - Royal Place at Brussels.

Brussel Koningsplein - Bruxelles Place Royale, by Granello L. c. 1846
Place Royale à Bruxelles. - Royal Place at Brussels.
[Item number: 21823]

€280  ($299.6 / £238)

Brussels (Brussel - Bruxelles) by Ludovico Guicciardini. 1613
[Item number: 29557]

€350  ($374.5 / £297.5)

Brussels (Brussel, Bruxelles) by Joan Blaeu. 1652
[Item number: 27499]

€1800  ($1926 / £1530)
Plan de la ville de Brusselles.

Brussels (Bruxelles) by Eugène Fricx. 1712
Plan de la ville de Brusselles.
[Item number: 29539]

€500  ($535 / £425)

Brussels (Bruxelles) by the Heirs Joannes Janssonius van Waesberge. 1682
[Item number: 29514]

€900  ($963 / £765)
Coenobium Bruxellensis Ord. Eremit. S. Augustini

Brussels - Augustinian church and monastery (Augustijnenkerk en klooster) by Antonius Sanderus. 1727
Coenobium Bruxellensis Ord. Eremit. S. Augustini
[Item number: 30717]  new

€300  ($321 / £255)

Heightened in gold and silver.
Brussel - Bruxelles by Lodovico Guicciardini 1567
[Item number: 27585]

€1300  ($1391 / £1105)

Brussels - Bruxelles by Rapin de Thoyras 1744-47
[Item number: 30611]

€350  ($374.5 / £297.5)
Cartusia Bruxellensis.

Brussels - Carthusian Monastery (Brussel - Kartuizer Klooster) by Antonius Sanderus. 1727
Cartusia Bruxellensis.
[Item number: 30728]  new

€220  ($235.4 / £187)
Monasterium Beatae Mariae Rosae Plantatae in Iericho.

Brussels - Monastery Jericho (Klooster Jericho), by Antonius Sanderus. 1726
Monasterium Beatae Mariae Rosae Plantatae in Iericho.
[Item number: 5840]

€400  ($428 / £340)
Monasterium Beatae Mariae Rosae Plantatae in Iericho.

Brussels - Monastery Jericho (Klooster Jericho), by Antonius Sanderus. 1726
Monasterium Beatae Mariae Rosae Plantatae in Iericho.
[Item number: 30713]  new

€250  ($267.5 / £212.5)
Coenobium Canonicarum Regularium Ordinis S. Augustini vulgo S. Petri ter Siecken.

Brussels - Priory of St.-Pieter ter Siecken, by Antonius Sanderus. 1727
Coenobium Canonicarum Regularium Ordinis S. Augustini vulgo S. ...
[Item number: 30710]  new

€200  ($214 / £170)
Antiqua Praepositura S. Jacobi de Frigido Monte vulgo Caudenbergh Ordinis Canonicorum Regularium S. Augustini Bruxellis.

Brussels - St Jacob's Abbey (St. Jacobs Abdij op de Koudenberg) by Antonius Sanderus. 1727
Antiqua Praepositura S. Jacobi de Frigido Monte vulgo ...
[Item number: 30700]  new

€320  ($342.4 / £272)
Basilica Bruxellensis S.S. Michaelis ey Gudilae.

Brussels - St Michael and St Gudula Cathedral, by Antonius Sanderus. 1726
Basilica Bruxellensis S.S. Michaelis ey Gudilae.
[Item number: 4737]

€380  ($406.6 / £323)
Hôtel de Ville de Bruxelles. - The Town Hall at Brussels.

Brussels - Town Hall by Granello. c. 1846
Hôtel de Ville de Bruxelles. - The Town Hall at Brussels.
[Item number: 20398]

€450  ($481.5 / £382.5)
Bruxella, Urbs Aulicorum Frequentia, Fontium Copia, Magnificentia Principalis Aulae ...

Brussels, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1599
Bruxella, Urbs Aulicorum Frequentia, Fontium Copia, ...
[Item number: 23220]

€1200  ($1284 / £1020)