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Mechelen, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1582
Mechelen - Nitidissimae Civitatis Mechlineensis in meditullio ...
[Item number: 14483]

Liedekerke, by Joan Blaeu. 1652
[Item number: 25561]

Antwerpen Eiermarkt by Granello L. c. 1846
Vue du Marché aux oeufs, à Anvers - View of the egg Market at A ...
[Item number: 21811]

Conquest of Kortrijk by the Malcontents, 27 Feb. 1580, by M. Aitsinger, after F. Hogenberg. 1587
Was gestalt Cortryck in Flanderen von den Malcontents ubereilt, ...
[Item number: 2512]

Tournai by Sr. S. de Beaulieu - three plates. ca. 1668
Tournay. - Carte du Gouvernement de Tournay. - Plan de la Ville ...
[Item number: 30302]

Menen by Sr. S. de Beaulieu - three plates. ca. 1668
Menin. - Carte du Gouvernement de Menin. - Plan de la Ville de ...
[Item number: 30303]

Lier by Ludovico Guicciardini. 1613
[Item number: 29982]

Torhout by Antonius Sanderus, published by Joan Blaeu. 1649
Thoraltum vulgo Thorout, Antiquissimum Flandriae oppidum.
[Item number: 3396]

Zottegem by Antonius Sanderus, published by Joan Blaeu. 1649
[Item number: 20545]

Castle of Maldegem by Antonius Sanderus. 1641
Praetorium Baronatus Maldegemiensis.
[Item number: 29990]

Leuven - St.-Gertrude abdij by Antonius Sanderus. 1727
Nobilissima D. Gertrudis Abbatia Lovanii, Ordinis Canonicorum ...
[Item number: 30680]

Brussels - St Jacob's Abbey (St. Jacobs Abdij op de Koudenberg) by Antonius Sanderus. 1727
Antiqua Praepositura S. Jacobi de Frigido Monte vulgo ...
[Item number: 30700]

Brussels - Monastery Jericho (Klooster Jericho), by Antonius Sanderus. 1726
Monasterium Beatae Mariae Rosae Plantatae in Iericho.
[Item number: 30713]

Castle in Ghent (Gravenkasteel) by Canelle. c. 1850
Ancien Château des Comtes de Flandre à Gand.
[Item number: 13180]

Brussel - Bruxelles - Ste Gudule, by Granello L. c. 1846
Eglise de Ste Gudule à Bruxelles - The Cathedral Church of Ste ...
[Item number: 21815]

Antwerpen - Minderbroeders, by Antonius Sanderus. 1726
Mons Omnium Sanctorum sive Conventus Antverpiensis Fratrum Minor.
[Item number: 3560]

Antwerp - Augustinian monastery (Antwerpen - Augustijnen klooster) by Antonius Sanderus. 1727
Austiniani Antverpiensis;
[Item number: 30720]

Antwerp Cathedral (Antwerpen Kathedraal), by Granello L. c. 1846
Antwerp Cathedral - Cathédrale d'Anvers
[Item number: 21821]

Brussels - Carmelite monastery (Brussel - Carmelieten Klooster) by Antonius Sanderus. 1727
Carmelus Bruxellensis.
[Item number: 30724]

Antwerpen - St. Jacobskerk, by Granello L. c. 1846
Vue de la Tour de l'Eglise St. Jacques à Anvers
[Item number: 21825]

Zwevegem by Antonius Sanderus. 1641-1644
Castellun de Sweveghem.
[Item number: 1214]

Heule - Kortrijk, by Antonius Sanderus, published by Joan Blaeu. 1652
Baronatus de Heule cum Reliquiis Antiqui Castri.
[Item number: 3721]
![Lokeren [on sheet with] Exaerde](
Bird's-eye view plan of Lokeren and the castle of Eksaarde (Lokeren) by Antonius Sanderus. 1732
Lokeren [on sheet with] Exaerde
[Item number: 30771]

Namur, by Lodovico Guicciardini. 1582
Namurcum ad Mosae flumen sita civitas, ad vivum expressa.
[Item number: 18464]

Antwerpen - Carmelieten by Antonius Sanderus. 1726
Carmelus Antverpiensis.
[Item number: 2793]

Mechelen, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1575
Machelen - Nitidissimae Civitatis Mechlineensis, in meditulio ...
[Item number: 2484]

The capture of Diest by the French in 1580, by Frans Hogenberg. 1583-1612
[Item number: 10037]

Antwerp (Antwerpen), by Frans Hogenberg. c. 1586
Antwerpiae Nobiliss. totius Orbis Terrarum Emporii Typus. ...
[Item number: 8017]

Brugge by Lodovico Guicciardini. 1612
Brugae Flandicarum Urbium Decus.
[Item number: 29763]

Louvain Town hall (Leuven Stadhuis) by Granello L. c. 1846
Hotel de Ville de Louvain. - Town Hall at Louvain.
[Item number: 21827]

Mechelen by Monthelier c. 1850
Tour de St. Rombaud à Malines.
[Item number: 5688]

Tournai, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1588-97
[Item number: 22254]

Leuven by Ludovico Guicciardini. 1613
[Item number: 16739]

Brussel Koningsplein - Bruxelles Place Royale, by Granello L. c. 1846
Place Royale à Bruxelles. - Royal Place at Brussels.
[Item number: 21823]
![Leuven - Lovanium Brabanticarum urbium caput unica Musaru[m] ac prestantißimarum artium sedes optantißimumque domiciliu[m].](
Leuven by Lodovico Guicciardini. 1609
Leuven - Lovanium Brabanticarum urbium caput unica Musaru[m] ac ...
[Item number: 30081]

Hasselt - Kuringen by Remacle Leloup. 1738-44
Vue de Chteau de Curange.
[Item number: 2456]