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Siege of Bergen (Mons). 1576-1612
[Item number: 7750]

Mons by Eugène Fricx. 1712
Plan du Siege de Mons
[Item number: 30791]
![Mons - Montes Hannoniae Metropolis [on sheet with] Arras - Atrebatum, episcopalis et metropolitica Artesiae Civitas](
Mons - Arras, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg 1612
Mons - Montes Hannoniae Metropolis [on sheet with] Arras - ...
[Item number: 28025]
![Mons - Montes Hannoniae Metropolis [on sheet with] Arras - Atrebatum, episcopalis et metropolitica Artesiae Civitas](
MONS - ARRAS by Braun & Hogenberg 1582
Mons - Montes Hannoniae Metropolis [on sheet with] Arras - ...
[Item number: 25497]

Moen (Zwevegem), with Elsegem (Wortegem-Petegem) on verso, by Antonius Sanderus. 1644
[Item number: 29988]

Military manuscript map of Menen and Halewijn. 1746
Plan de de la ville de Menin et des deux Attaques. Assiegée par ...
[Item number: 24874]

Meulebeke by Antonius Sanderus, published by Joan Blaeu. 1652
Praetorium Domini de Muelebeke Familiae De Beer.
[Item number: 29901]

Merry (Castle in Moorslede), by Antonius Sanderus. 1644
Praetorium de Merria in Catellania Cortracensi.
[Item number: 29989]

Menen, by Antonius Sanderus, published by Joan Blaeu. 1652
Menina vulgo Meenen.
[Item number: 27516]

Menen by Sr. S. de Beaulieu - three plates. ca. 1668
Menin. - Carte du Gouvernement de Menin. - Plan de la Ville de ...
[Item number: 30303]

Mechelen, by Joan Blaeu. 1652
[Item number: 3780]

Mechelen, by Joan Blaeu. 1649
[Item number: 31178]

Mechelen, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1575
Machelen - Nitidissimae Civitatis Mechlineensis, in meditulio ...
[Item number: 2484]

Mechelen, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1572-1624
Machelen - Nitidissimae Civitatis Mechlineensis, ...
[Item number: 17854]

Mechelen by Paul Rapin de Thoyras. 1744-47
Mechlin or Malines the Capital of one of the ten Provinces of ...
[Item number: 7012]

Mechelen by Monthelier c. 1850
Tour de St. Rombaud à Malines.
[Item number: 5688]

MECHELEN by Merian C. 1659
[Item number: 18394]

Mechelen by Lodovico Guicciardini. 1567
[Item number: 29158]

Mechelen by François de Belleforest 1575
Malines. - Le vray plant et pourtraict de la ville de Malines.
[Item number: 27386]

Mechelen - Carmelieten by Antonius Sanderus. 1727
Carmelus Mechliniensis.
[Item number: 2795]

Mechelen - Carmelieten by Antonius Sanderus. 1727
Carmelus Mechliniensis.
[Item number: 30721]

Manuscript plan of Zevekote, a fortified place in Gistel. 2nd half 17th century
[Item number: 30132]

Manuscript plan of Poperinge, a fortified city in western Flanders. 2nd half 17th century
[Item number: 30133]

Manuscript plan of Nieuwpoort, a fortified city of strategic military significance. 2nd half 17th century
[Item number: 30124]

Manuscript plan of Deinze, a fortified city in Flanders. 2nd half 17th century
[Item number: 30134]
![Lijsdonck; [on sheet with] t'Crayenhof.](
Lysdonk (Waasmunster) & Burcht (Zwijndrecht), by Antonius Sanderus. 1732
Lijsdonck; [on sheet with] t'Crayenhof.
[Item number: 30768]

Lovendegem by Antonius Sanderus, published by Joan Blaeu. 1649
[Item number: 3213]

Louvain Town hall (Leuven Stadhuis) by Granello L. c. 1846
Hotel de Ville de Louvain. - Town Hall at Louvain.
[Item number: 21827]

Important plan.
Louvain by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1599
Loeven - Lovanium, Brabanticarum urbium caput, unica Musarum ac ...
[Item number: 29977]

Louvain - Priory of Sint-Maartensdal, by Antonius Sanderus. 1727
Canonica Throno-Martinian.
[Item number: 30708]

Louvain - Carmelite monastery (Leuven - Carmelieten klooster) by Antonius Sanderus. 1727
Conventus Carmeli Lovaniensis ad S Catharinam.
[Item number: 30723]

With train station.
Louvain (Leuven), by F.C. Eisen. c. 1840
Panorama von Löwen. - Panorama de Louvain.
[Item number: 27331]
![[No title]](
Loppem - Kasteel du Breuck by Antonius Sanderus. 1641
[No title]
[Item number: 9056]

Lochristi by Antonius Sanderus. 1641
Loo Christi.
[Item number: 21700]

Lo-Reninge by Antonius Sanderus, published by Joan Blaeu. 1649
Loo - Opidum et Abbatia S. Petri Loensis ordinis Canonicorum ...
[Item number: 2132]

Limbourg, by Joan Blaeu. 1652
[Item number: 25299]