Antique maps / Europe / Belgium - Cities
Showing 145 - 180 of 347 products

Siege of Bergen (Mons). 1576-1612
[Item number: 7750]

€150  ($154.5 / £124.5)
Plan du Siege de Mons

Mons by Eugène Fricx. 1712
Plan du Siege de Mons
[Item number: 30791]

€150  ($154.5 / £124.5)
Mons - Montes Hannoniae Metropolis [on sheet with] Arras - Atrebatum, episcopalis et metropolitica Artesiae Civitas

Mons - Arras, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg 1612
Mons - Montes Hannoniae Metropolis [on sheet with] Arras - ...
[Item number: 28025]

€220  ($226.6 / £182.6)
Mons - Montes Hannoniae Metropolis [on sheet with] Arras - Atrebatum, episcopalis et metropolitica Artesiae Civitas

MONS - ARRAS by Braun & Hogenberg 1582
Mons - Montes Hannoniae Metropolis [on sheet with] Arras - ...
[Item number: 25497]

€250  ($257.5 / £207.5)

Moen (Zwevegem), with Elsegem (Wortegem-Petegem) on verso, by Antonius Sanderus. 1644
[Item number: 29988]

€150  ($154.5 / £124.5)
Plan de de la ville de Menin et des deux Attaques. Assiegée par l'Armée du Roy, le 28. May 1744.

Military manuscript map of Menen and Halewijn. 1746
Plan de de la ville de Menin et des deux Attaques. Assiegée par ...
[Item number: 24874]

€700  ($721 / £581)
Praetorium Domini de Muelebeke Familiae De Beer.

Meulebeke by Antonius Sanderus, published by Joan Blaeu. 1652
Praetorium Domini de Muelebeke Familiae De Beer.
[Item number: 29901]

€200  ($206 / £166)
Praetorium de Merria in Catellania Cortracensi.

Merry (Castle in Moorslede), by Antonius Sanderus. 1644
Praetorium de Merria in Catellania Cortracensi.
[Item number: 29989]

€150  ($154.5 / £124.5)
Menina vulgo Meenen.

Menen, by Antonius Sanderus, published by Joan Blaeu. 1652
Menina vulgo Meenen.
[Item number: 27516]

€480  ($494.4 / £398.4)
Menin. - Carte du Gouvernement de Menin. - Plan de la Ville de Menin.

Menen by Sr. S. de Beaulieu - three plates. ca. 1668
Menin. - Carte du Gouvernement de Menin. - Plan de la Ville de ...
[Item number: 30303]

€250  ($257.5 / £207.5)

Mechelen, by Joan Blaeu. 1652
[Item number: 3780]

€700  ($721 / £581)

Mechelen, by Joan Blaeu. 1649
[Item number: 31178]

€500  ($515 / £415)
Machelen - Nitidissimae Civitatis Mechlineensis, in meditulio Brabantiae Sitae, exaxtissima delineatio.

Mechelen, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1575
Machelen - Nitidissimae Civitatis Mechlineensis, in meditulio ...
[Item number: 2484]

€280  ($288.4 / £232.4)
Machelen - Nitidissimae Civitatis Mechlineensis, ...

Mechelen, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1572-1624
Machelen - Nitidissimae Civitatis Mechlineensis, ...
[Item number: 17854]

€240  ($247.2 / £199.2)
Mechlin or Malines the Capital of one of the ten Provinces of the Netherlands in Brabant an archbishoprick, situated upon ye Dyle.

Mechelen by Paul Rapin de Thoyras. 1744-47
Mechlin or Malines the Capital of one of the ten Provinces of ...
[Item number: 7012]

€300  ($309 / £249)
Tour de St. Rombaud à Malines.

Mechelen by Monthelier c. 1850
Tour de St. Rombaud à Malines.
[Item number: 5688]

€280  ($288.4 / £232.4)

MECHELEN by Merian C. 1659
[Item number: 18394]

€220  ($226.6 / £182.6)

Mechelen by Lodovico Guicciardini. 1567
[Item number: 29158]

€220  ($226.6 / £182.6)
Malines. - Le vray plant et pourtraict de la ville de Malines.

Mechelen by François de Belleforest 1575
Malines. - Le vray plant et pourtraict de la ville de Malines.
[Item number: 27386]

€220  ($226.6 / £182.6)
Carmelus Mechliniensis.

Mechelen - Carmelieten by Antonius Sanderus. 1727
Carmelus Mechliniensis.
[Item number: 2795]

€250  ($257.5 / £207.5)
Carmelus Mechliniensis.

Mechelen - Carmelieten by Antonius Sanderus. 1727
Carmelus Mechliniensis.
[Item number: 30721]

€200  ($206 / £166)

Manuscript plan of Zevekote, a fortified place in Gistel. 2nd half 17th century
[Item number: 30132]

€500  ($515 / £415)

Manuscript plan of Poperinge, a fortified city in western Flanders. 2nd half 17th century
[Item number: 30133]

€850  ($875.5 / £705.5)

Manuscript plan of Nieuwpoort, a fortified city of strategic military significance. 2nd half 17th century
[Item number: 30124]

€1200  ($1236 / £996)

Manuscript plan of Deinze, a fortified city in Flanders. 2nd half 17th century
[Item number: 30134]

€950  ($978.5 / £788.5)
Lijsdonck; [on sheet with] t'Crayenhof.

Lysdonk (Waasmunster) & Burcht (Zwijndrecht), by Antonius Sanderus. 1732
Lijsdonck; [on sheet with] t'Crayenhof.
[Item number: 30768]

€220  ($226.6 / £182.6)

Lovendegem by Antonius Sanderus, published by Joan Blaeu. 1649
[Item number: 3213]

€180  ($185.4 / £149.4)
Hotel de Ville de Louvain. - Town Hall at Louvain.

Louvain Town hall (Leuven Stadhuis) by Granello L. c. 1846
Hotel de Ville de Louvain. - Town Hall at Louvain.
[Item number: 21827]

€280  ($288.4 / £232.4)
Loeven - Lovanium, Brabanticarum urbium caput, unica Musarum ac praestantissimorum artium sedes, optatissimimque domicilium.

Important plan.
Louvain by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1599
Loeven - Lovanium, Brabanticarum urbium caput, unica Musarum ac ...
[Item number: 29977]

€1200  ($1236 / £996)
Canonica Throno-Martinian.

Louvain - Priory of Sint-Maartensdal, by Antonius Sanderus. 1727
Canonica Throno-Martinian.
[Item number: 30708]

€320  ($329.6 / £265.6)
Conventus Carmeli Lovaniensis ad S Catharinam.

Louvain - Carmelite monastery (Leuven - Carmelieten klooster) by Antonius Sanderus. 1727
Conventus Carmeli Lovaniensis ad S Catharinam.
[Item number: 30723]

€200  ($206 / £166)
Panorama von Löwen. - Panorama de Louvain.

With train station.
Louvain (Leuven), by F.C. Eisen. c. 1840
Panorama von Löwen. - Panorama de Louvain.
[Item number: 27331]

€500  ($515 / £415)
[No title]

Loppem - Kasteel du Breuck by Antonius Sanderus. 1641
[No title]
[Item number: 9056]

€180  ($185.4 / £149.4)
Loo Christi.

Lochristi by Antonius Sanderus. 1641
Loo Christi.
[Item number: 21700]

€200  ($206 / £166)
Loo - Opidum et Abbatia S. Petri Loensis ordinis Canonicorum Regularium S. Aiugustini.

Lo-Reninge by Antonius Sanderus, published by Joan Blaeu. 1649
Loo - Opidum et Abbatia S. Petri Loensis ordinis Canonicorum ...
[Item number: 2132]

€180  ($185.4 / £149.4)

Limbourg, by Joan Blaeu. 1652
[Item number: 25299]

€250  ($257.5 / £207.5)