Antique maps / Mediterranean Sea
Showing 73 - 82 of 82 products
De Maiorca Insula.

Mallorca by Giovanni Francesco Camocio After 1575
De Maiorca Insula.
[Item number: 27562]

€1750  ($1837.5 / £1452.5)
Peregrinationis Divi Pauli Typus Corographicus In quo & novi testamenti, in primis autem apostulorum historiae, à Sancto Luca descriptae, omnia fere loca geographica, oculis inspicienda exhibentur.

Rare map showing the peregrinations of St. Paul.
The peregrinations of St. Paul in the Eastern Mediterranean, by Jacques Honervogt after Abraham Ortelius. c. 1630-1650
Peregrinationis Divi Pauli Typus Corographicus In quo & novi ...
[Item number: 30854]

€1800  ($1890 / £1494)
Orientalior districtus Maris Mediterranei. = t' Ooster gedeelte van de Middelandse Zee.

Western Mediterranean Sea, by Frederick de Wit. c. 1689-90
Orientalior districtus Maris Mediterranei. = t' Ooster gedeelte ...
[Item number: 29247]

€1800  ($1890 / £1494)
Romani Imperii Imago.

Parergon map
Roman Empire by Abraham Ortelius. 1595
Romani Imperii Imago.
[Item number: 30641]

€2200  ($2310 / £1826)
Valletta ou Valete Ville Forte, de l'Isle de Malta.

Valletta by Pieter Mortier. 1704
Valletta ou Valete Ville Forte, de l'Isle de Malta.
[Item number: 27504]

€2500  ($2625 / £2075)
Valetta Civitas Nova Maltae olim Millitae

Valetta - Malta by Janssonius J. 1657
Valetta Civitas Nova Maltae olim Millitae
[Item number: 31095]  new

€2600  ($2730 / £2158)
Isola di Malta olim Melita.

Malta by Vincenzo Coronelli. 1696
Isola di Malta olim Melita.
[Item number: 28817]

€2900  ($3045 / £2407)
Al Molto Sig. Gentile Carbonana da Gubio. Qui rappresento a V.S. brevemente il Successo della mirabile vittoria della armata di la S.ta Lega christiana contra la potentissima et orgogliosa di Sultan Di Vinegia l Anno 1572.

Important and rare print.
Battle of Lepanto (Greece), by Giovanni Francesco Camocio. c. 1575
Al Molto Sig. Gentile Carbonana da Gubio. Qui rappresento ...
[Item number: 27633]

€3500  ($3675 / £2905)
Cipro insula nobiliss. ...

Very rare.
Cyprus by Giovanni Francesco Camocio c. 1575
Cipro insula nobiliss. ...
[Item number: 27577]

€5400  ($5670 / £4482)
Marseille, 1615.

A wedding gift for King Louis XIII
Portolan by Joan Oliva. 1615
Marseille, 1615.
[Item number: 31021]

Price on request