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![Isola d'Islanda. [On verso:] Parte Orientale dell' Europa.](
Iceland by Coronelli Vincenzo. 1696
Isola d'Islanda. [On verso:] Parte Orientale dell' Europa.
[Item number: 29227]

Breslau, by Homann Heirs. c. 1757
Ichnographica Urbis Wratislaviensis Delineatio ...
[Item number: 21289]

Nova Zemlya, by Bertius P. 1618
Novae Zemlae
[Item number: 18195]

Poland - Glogów, by Blaeu J. 1659-72
Ducatus Silesiae Glogani Vera Delineatio.
[Item number: 15616]

Poland - Grodków and Nysa, by Johannes Janssonius. 1645-47
Ducatus Silesiae Grotganus cum Districtu Episcopali Nissensi.
[Item number: 15645]

Poland - Legnica, by Hondius H. - Janssonius J. 1632+
Ducatus Silesiae Ligniciensis
[Item number: 6942]
![Holsatiae Descriptio [on sheet with] Rugiae, Usedomiae, et Iulinae, Wandalicarum Insularum Vera Descriptio.](
Poland - Rügen - Holstein, by Ortelius A. 1601
Holsatiae Descriptio [on sheet with] Rugiae, Usedomiae, et ...
[Item number: 21277]

Poland - Silesia - Wolow, by Janssonius J. 1632+
Ducatus Silesiae Wolanus.
[Item number: 15646]

The White Sea, by Van Keulen Johannes. 1697-1709
Paskaart van de Witte Zee Beginnende van Pelitza tot Kandalox en ...
[Item number: 5422]

Asiatic Russia, by Paolo Santini. 1776-79
Partie orientale de l'Empire de Russie en Asie.
[Item number: 28095]

Baltics - Livonia by J. Janssonius 1645-58
Nova Totius Livoniae accurata Descriptio.
[Item number: 26567]

Estonia and Latvia by Joannes Janssonius c. 1678
Nova Totius Livoniae accurata Descriptio.
[Item number: 28515]

View of Grodno (Belarus), by Braun and Hogenberg. 1693
Grodna - Vera Designatio Urbis in Littavia Grodnae.
[Item number: 30591]

Budapest: Buda (Hungary) by J. Peeters. c. 1690
Buda vulgo Offen
[Item number: 31390]

Budapest: Buda (Hungary) by J. Peeters. c. 1690
[Item number: 31397]

Budapest: Pest (Hungary) by J. Peeters. c. 1690
[Item number: 31396]
![[Title on verso:] Tabula .II. Asia.](
Caucasus, by Lorenz Fries. 1525
[Title on verso:] Tabula .II. Asia.
[Item number: 27974]

Crimea by Gerard Mercator. 1633
Taurica Chersonesus VS. nostra Aetate Przecopsca et Gazara ...
[Item number: 27745]
![[No title]](
Dniepr River by Willem Blaeu 1643
[No title]
[Item number: 29902]

Drégelypalank (Hungary) by J. Peeters. c. 1690
[Item number: 31391]
![[Title on verso:] Tabula .VIII. Europae.](
Ptolemy map of Eastern Europe, Ukraine - Russia by Lorenz Fries, after Martin Waldseemüller. 1525
[Title on verso:] Tabula .VIII. Europae.
[Item number: 30369]

Eastern Prussia (Gdansk Werders), by Johannes Janssonius. 1641
Tractuum Borussiae, circa Gedanum et Elbingam, ab incolis Werder ...
[Item number: 29015]

Estonia & Latvia by Gerard Mercator, published by Henricus Hondius. 1627
[Item number: 30997]

Esztergom (Hungary) by J. Peeters. c. 1690
Strigonium vulgo Gran.
[Item number: 31389]

Fil'akovo (Deutsch: Fülleck) (Slovakia) by J. Peeters. c. 1690
[Item number: 31401]

Finland and Estonia by Guillaume Sanson. 1703
La Carelie, et l'Ingrie, ou Ingermenland.
[Item number: 28500]

Gdansk, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1576
Dantzigk - Gedanum, Krantio, in sua Wandalia Gdanum; . . .
[Item number: 4056]

Györ (Deutsch: Raab) (Hungary) by J. Peeters. c. 1690
[Item number: 31395]

Hatvan (Hungary) by J. Peeters. c. 1690
[Item number: 31398]

Hungary by J.G. Schreiber. c. 1745.
Das Königreich Ungarn nebst den angraentzenden Kaeyserlichen ...
[Item number: 31109]

Klodzko by Willem Blaeu 1643
Comitatus Glatz.
[Item number: 28021]

Komarno (Slovakia) by J. Peeters. c. 1690
[Item number: 31392]

Krakow, Warsaw, and Vilnius, by Zacharias Châtelain. 1714
Carte des trois ordres qui composent l'Etat de la République de ...
[Item number: 29411]

Kronstadt (Russia), by H. Whittock. 1854
Birds-eye view of the Island, Harbours and Fortifications of ...
[Item number: 27449]

Lithuania by Jodocus Hondius. 1630
[Item number: 29159]

Lithuania, by Gerard Mercator. 1628
[Item number: 31328]