Antique maps / Europe / Greece & Greek Islands
Showing 73 - 102 of 102 products
Scarpanto Carpanto antiquamente detto Cotal nome derivato facilm.e dalla gran qua[n]tita di frutti vi nascono Insula molto alta, ...

Karpathos by Giovanni Francesco Camocio c. 1575
Scarpanto Carpanto antiquamente detto Cotal nome derivato ...
[Item number: 27610]

€650  ($682.5 / £539.5)
Milo insula posta nel mare dello Arcipelago longi dalla Morea ...

Milos by Giovanni Francesco Camocio After 1575
Milo insula posta nel mare dello Arcipelago longi dalla Morea ...
[Item number: 27612]

€480  ($504 / £398.4)
Palmosa Patmo antiquam. detta insula posta nell'Arcipelago, sopra la quale S. Iohani eva[n]gelista scrisse il sacro Appocalipsi ...

Patmos by Giovanni Francesco Camocio After 1575
Palmosa Patmo antiquam. detta insula posta nell'Arcipelago, ...
[Item number: 27613]

€500  ($525 / £415)
Nicsia Nacso antiquam. detta Isola posta nello Arcipelago signorigiata da Turchi, ...

Naxos by Giovanni Francesco Camocio After 1575
Nicsia Nacso antiquam. detta Isola posta nello Arcipelago ...
[Item number: 27614]

€500  ($525 / £415)
Samo nello Arcipelago, che tal nome sumita, et altezza dinotta, dala quale Troia vedevassi Insula veram.e di antiquita nobile per le ruine antique che di città vi si vede, ...

Samos by Giovanni Francesco Camocio After 1575
Samo nello Arcipelago, che tal nome sumita, et altezza dinotta, ...
[Item number: 27616]

€520  ($546 / £431.6)
Scio. Chio antiquam.e detto Insula posta nello Arcipelago distante da Capo bianco dalla Nattolia mill: 10. gia tempo signoreggiata da Genovesi et ora dalla caxa Ottomana: ...

Chios by Giovanni Francesco Camocio After 1575
Scio. Chio antiquam.e detto Insula posta nello Arcipelago ...
[Item number: 27617]

€700  ($735 / £581)
Macedonia Epirus et Achaia

Macedonia by Gerard Mercator 1623
Macedonia Epirus et Achaia
[Item number: 16770]

€260  ($273 / £215.8)
Morea olim Peloponessus.

Peloponnesus by Gerard Mercator. 1623
Morea olim Peloponessus.
[Item number: 27860]

€360  ($378 / £298.8)
Candia cum insulis aliquot circa Graeciam.

Crete with the isles of Corfu, Zante, Milo, Nicsia, Santorini and Scarpanto by Gerard Mercator. 1623
Candia cum insulis aliquot circa Graeciam.
[Item number: 20541]

€470  ($493.5 / £390.1)

Greece, by Gerard Mercator. 1633
[Item number: 16999]

€500  ($525 / £415)
Calaris [on sheet with] Malta [and] Rhodus [and] Famagusta.

Cagliari - Malta - Rhodos - Famagusta, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1612
Calaris [on sheet with] Malta [and] Rhodus [and] Famagusta.
[Item number: 26910]

€450  ($472.5 / £373.5)
Candia [on sheet with] La Cita de Corphu.

Crete (Iraklion) & Corfu, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg, published by J. Janssonius. 1657
Candia [on sheet with] La Cita de Corphu.
[Item number: 31080]  new

€600  ($630 / £498)
Candia [on sheet with] La Cita de Corphu

Crete (Iraklion) & Corfu, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1597
Candia [on sheet with] La Cita de Corphu
[Item number: 23289]

€750  ($787.5 / £622.5)
Candia [on sheet with] La Cita de Corphu

Crete - Heraklion (Irákleio) & Corfu (Kérkyra), by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1575-1612
Candia [on sheet with] La Cita de Corphu
[Item number: 24007]

€400  ($420 / £332)
Calaris [on sheet with] Malta [and] Rhodus [and] Famagusta

Cagliari, Malta, Rhodos and Famagusta, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1582
Calaris [on sheet with] Malta [and] Rhodus [and] Famagusta
[Item number: 25318]

€720  ($756 / £597.6)
Rhodes Isle renommée du soleil, iadis republique & université, puis retraite des chevaliers de Saint Iean ores suiette aux Turcs.

Rhodes, by François Belleforest. 1575
Rhodes Isle renommée du soleil, iadis republique & université, p ...
[Item number: 27304]

€280  ($294 / £232.4)
Estats de l'Empire des Turqs en Europe.

European Ottoman Empire, by Pieter Mortier. c. 1705
Estats de l'Empire des Turqs en Europe.
[Item number: 27770]

€960  ($1008 / £796.8)
Morea olim Peloponessus.

Peloponnese by Willem Blaeu. 1640
Morea olim Peloponessus.
[Item number: 28881]

€360  ($378 / £298.8)
Candia, olim Creta.

Crete, by Joan Blaeu. 1650
Candia, olim Creta.
[Item number: 28919]

€480  ($504 / £398.4)
Macedonia, Epirus et Achaia.

Macedonia, Epirus and Achaia, by W. Blaeu 1650
Macedonia, Epirus et Achaia.
[Item number: 17980]

€300  ($315 / £249)
Insular. aliquot Aegaei Maris Antiqua Descrip.

Cyprus & other Greek Islands, by Abraham Ortelius. 1601
Insular. aliquot Aegaei Maris Antiqua Descrip.
[Item number: 28639]

€500  ($525 / £415)
Creta Iovis magni, medio iacet insula ponto. Ex conatibus geographicis Abrahami Ortelij. [On sheet with:]  Corsica [and:] Insulae Maris Ionii [and:] Sardinia

Crete, Corsica and Sardinia by Ortelius A. 1624
Creta Iovis magni, medio iacet insula ponto. Ex conatibus ...
[Item number: 2052]

€400  ($420 / £332)
Graeciae Universae Secundum Hodiernum Situm Neoterica Descriptio.

GREECE by Abraham Ortelius 1579
Graeciae Universae Secundum Hodiernum Situm Neoterica Descriptio.
[Item number: 23539]

€420  ($441 / £348.6)
Graecia, Sophiani.

Parergon map
Greece, by Ortelius A. 1624
Graecia, Sophiani.
[Item number: 2050]

€430  ($451.5 / £356.9)
Insular. aliquot Aegaei Maris Antiqua Descrip.

Parergon map
Cyprus & other Greek Islands by Abraham Ortelius. 1601
Insular. aliquot Aegaei Maris Antiqua Descrip.
[Item number: 12452]

€800  ($840 / £664)

Parergon map
The valley of the river Peneus in Thessaly, by A. Ortelius. 1624
[Item number: 3153]

€850  ($892.5 / £705.5)
Creta Iovis magni, medio iacet insula ponto.  [On sheet with:]  Corsica [and:] Insulae Maris Ionii [and:] Sardinia.

First edition
Corsica, Crete (Creta), Sardinia, by Abraham Ortelius. 1584
Creta Iovis magni, medio iacet insula ponto. [On sheet with:] ...
[Item number: 29148]

€680  ($714 / £564.4)
Cyprus Insula - Candia, olim Creta.

Cyprus - Crete, by A. Ortelius. 1572
Cyprus Insula - Candia, olim Creta.
[Item number: 16585]

€750  ($787.5 / £622.5)
Candia Insula [on sheet with] Archipelagi Insularum aliquot descrip.

Crete and 10 Aegean islands, by Abraham Ortelius. 1612
Candia Insula [on sheet with] Archipelagi Insularum aliquot ...
[Item number: 22976]

€350  ($367.5 / £290.5)
Graeciae Universae Secundum Hodiernum Situm Neoterica Descriptio.

Greece by Abraham Ortelius 1601
Graeciae Universae Secundum Hodiernum Situm Neoterica Descriptio.
[Item number: 30623]

€700  ($735 / £581)