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Aalst by Matthäus Merian and sons. 1659
[Item number: 2114]
![Aquapendente [on sheet with] Tarvisi.](https://sanderusmaps.com/assets/WEBP/m31133.webp)
Acquapendente and Tarvisio by Braun and Hogenberg after Ludwig Toeput and Joris Hoefnagel, published by J. Janssonius. 1657
Aquapendente [on sheet with] Tarvisi.
[Item number: 31133]

Adriatic Sea, cartouche with a bird's-eye view of Venice and 22 plans of fortified cities, by N. Sanson after Vincenzo Coronelli. So-called published by Hubert Jaillot. (Pirated edition by Pierre Mortier). 1692
Le Golfe de Venise, avec les Principaux Caps, Promontoires, & ...
[Item number: 31203]

Africa, by N. Sanson, so-called published by Hubert Jaillot. (Pirated edition by Pierre Mortier). 1692
L'Afrique divisée suivant l'estendue de ses principales parties ...
[Item number: 31141]

America by Sr Janvier, published by Lattré. 1769
L'Amerique Divisée en ses Principaux Etats Assujettie aux ...
[Item number: 31125]

Ancient France, by Ortelius A. 1624
Galliae Veteris.
[Item number: 31191]

Ancona by Joannes Janssonius after Braun & Hogenberg. 1657
[Item number: 31130]

Antique map of Ost-Friesland by J. Janssonius. c. 1610-1650
Typus Frisiae Orientalis.
[Item number: 31218]

Antwerp (Antwerpen), by Lodovico Guicciardini. 1616
[Item number: 31167]

First edition 1572 - Heightened in gold
Antwerp, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg 1572
Anverpia, nobile in Brabantia oppidum, ...
[Item number: 31119]

One of Antwerp's most beautiful maps
Antwerp, by Nicolaes Visscher I, published by Petrus Schenk Jr. c. 1760
Marchionatus Sacri Romani Imperii.
[Item number: 31137]

Asia, by N. Sanson, so-called published by Hubert Jaillot. (Pirated edition by Pierre Mortier). 1692
L'Asie divisée en ses Principales Regions, et ou se peut voir ...
[Item number: 31140]
![Barcelona, Barcino, que vulgo Barcelona Dicitur [on sheet with] Ecija.](https://sanderusmaps.com/assets/WEBP/m31259.webp)
Barcelona - Ecija, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg, after Georg Hoefnagel. 1582
Barcelona, Barcino, que vulgo Barcelona Dicitur [on sheet with] ...
[Item number: 31259]

Barth by Braun & Hogenberg c. 1610
Bardum Pomeraniae
[Item number: 16700]

Bologna by Braun G. & Hogenberg F. c. 1593
Bononia Alma Studior Mater
[Item number: 24579]

Brabant by Willem Blaeu 1664-65
Brabantia Ducatus
[Item number: 20955]

British Isles by N. Sanson, so-called published by Hubert Jaillot. (Pirated edition by Pierre Mortier). 1692 (Plate 2)
Les Isles Britanniques; qui Contiennent les Royaumes ...
[Item number: 31175]

Brugge - Church St. Salvator by Antonius Sanderus. 1641
Ecclesia Sancti Salvatoris Brugis.
[Item number: 31192]

Brugge - Ten Eeckhoutte Abbey by Antonius Sanderus. 1641
Abbatia Brugensis Vulgo Den Eechoute Ordinis Canonicor Regular ...
[Item number: 31193]

Cagliari (Sardinia - Italy) by Joannes Janssonius. 1657
Caliaris Sardiniae Primaria Civitas.
[Item number: 31128]
![Calaris [on sheet with] Malta (Valetta) [and] Rhodus [and] Famagusta.](https://sanderusmaps.com/assets/WEBP/m31132.webp)
Cagliari, Malta, Rhodos and Famagusta, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg, published by J. Janssonius. 1657
Calaris [on sheet with] Malta (Valetta) [and] Rhodus [and] ...
[Item number: 31132]

Scarce, only in Ortelius' Vrients edition
Catalonia by J.B. Vrients. 1612
Cataloniae Principatus Novissima et Accurata Descriptio.
[Item number: 31166]

Channel by N. Sanson, so-called published by Hubert Jaillot. (Pirated edition by Pierre Mortier). 1692
Carte de la Manche.
[Item number: 31172]
![Conil [on sheet with] Xeres de la Frontera.](https://sanderusmaps.com/assets/WEBP/m31260.webp)
Conil de la Frontera - Jerez de la Frontera, by Braun & Hogenberg after Georg Hoefnagel. 1575
Conil [on sheet with] Xeres de la Frontera.
[Item number: 31260]

Conquest of Kortrijk by the Malcontents, 27 Feb. 1580, by M. Aitsinger, after F. Hogenberg. 1587
Was gestalt Cortryck in Flanderen von den Malcontents ubereilt, ...
[Item number: 2512]

Spectacular map
Course of the Danube River by N. Sanson, so-called published by Hubert Jaillot. (Pirated edition by Pierre Mortier). 1692
Le Cours du Danube depuis sa Source jusqu'à ses Embouchures.
[Item number: 31196]

Denmark by N. Sanson, so-called published by Hubert Jaillot. (Pirated edition by Pierre Mortier). 1692
Le Royaume de Danemark Subdivisé en ses Principales Provinces.
[Item number: 31169]

Diocese of Liège by Henricus Hondius. c. 1630-1650
Dioecesis Leodiensis Accurata Tabula.
[Item number: 31215]
![[No title]](https://sanderusmaps.com/assets/WEBP/m31121.webp)
Rare broadsheet
Dutch attack on Antwerp in 1623
[No title]
[Item number: 31121]

Eckernförde by Braun & Hogenberg 1596-1640
Ekelenforda antiquum Holsatiae ad Oceanum peninsulare oppidum.
[Item number: 23373]

Egypt by N. Sanson, so-called published by Hubert Jaillot. (Pirated edition by Pierre Mortier). 1692
Les deserts d'Egypte, de Thebaide, d'Arabie, de Sirie &c ou sont ...
[Item number: 31201]
![Eisleben - Eislebia Comitatus Mansfeldiae Opp. [on sheet with] Tubingen - Tubinga.](https://sanderusmaps.com/assets/WEBP/m16307.webp)
Eisleben and Tübingen by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. c. 1593
Eisleben - Eislebia Comitatus Mansfeldiae Opp. [on sheet with] ...
[Item number: 16307]

Europe, by N. Sanson, so-called published by Hubert Jaillot. (Pirated edition by Pierre Mortier). 1692
L'Europe Divisée Suivant l'Estendue de ses Principaux Estats ...
[Item number: 31138]

European Ottoman Empire by N. Sanson, so-called published by Hubert Jaillot. (Pirated edition by Pierre Mortier). 1692
Estats de l'Empire des Turqs en Europe.
[Item number: 31199]

Fano (Italy) by Joannes Janssonius. 1657
[Item number: 31129]

Flanders (Vlaanderen) by G. van Schagen, published by Pieter van der Aa. 1728
Comitatus Flandriae.
[Item number: 31254]