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![Oitinense oppidulum et arx Episcopi Lubecensis sedes [on sheet with] Delineatio Civitatis Tonderensis](
Eutin - Tønder by Braun & Hogenberg c. 1610
Oitinense oppidulum et arx Episcopi Lubecensis sedes [on sheet ...
[Item number: 24595]

Finland & Sweden by Frederik de Wit, published by Covens & Mortier. c. 1715
Regni Sueciae Tabula Generalis, divisa in Sueciae, Gotiae Regna ...
[Item number: 28267]

Finland and Estonia by Guillaume Sanson. 1703
La Carelie, et l'Ingrie, ou Ingermenland.
[Item number: 28500]
![Caarte van 't gat van Abbo, ofte Uttoy. [on sheet with] Caarte van 't Stochomse Liet.](
Sea chart of Finland - Sweden, by Doncker H. 1686
Caarte van 't gat van Abbo, ofte Uttoy. [on sheet with] Caarte ...
[Item number: 14593]

Greenland and Northeast Canada, by C. van Wytfliet. 1607
Estotilandia et Laboratoris Terra.
[Item number: 26499]

Sweden - Götaland, by J. Janssonius, published by Pitt Moses & J. Janssonius-Waesberge. 1680
[Item number: 1290]

Götaland, by Henricus Hondius. 1641
[Item number: 26260]

Götaland, by Johannes Janssonius. 1666
[Item number: 26744]
![Elsenor [on sheet with] Ripen](
Helsingør (Sjaelland) & Ribe (Jutland), by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1596-1640
Elsenor [on sheet with] Ripen
[Item number: 23375]

Holstein, by Blaeu W. & J. 1640-43
Ducatus Holsatiae Nova Tabula
[Item number: 21397]

Holstein, by G. Mercator. 1623
Holsatia ducatus.
[Item number: 12555]

Jylland (North), by G. Mercator. 1641
Iutia Septentrionalis.
[Item number: 26286]

Denmark - Jylland (North) by J. Janssonius, published by Moses Pitt and J. Janssonius-Waesberge. 1680
Iutia Septentrionalis, in qua Dioeceses Alburgensis et ...
[Item number: 1353]

Jutia Australis, in qua Dioecesis Ripensis et Arhusiensis. - Janssonius J. - Pitt Moses, 1680. 1680
Jutia Australis, in qua Dioecesis Ripensis et Arhusiensis.
[Item number: 1373]

Jylland (South, Southern part), by J. Blaeu. 1659-72
Pars Australior Iutiae Septentrionalis, in qua Dioeceses ...
[Item number: 9306]

Kolding by Braun and Hogenberg 1596
Colding Schloss und Stat
[Item number: 24163]

Kolding, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. c. 1610
Colding Schloss und Stat
[Item number: 16693]

Laaland - Falster - Mon, by J. Blaeu. 1659
Lalandia, Falstria et Mona Insulae in mari Balthico.
[Item number: 9460]

Lappland by Joan Blaeu. 1659
[Item number: 30252]

Russia - Nassau Strait, by J. Blaeu. 1664-65
Fretum Nassovium Vulgo De Straet Nassou.
[Item number: 14225]

Sweden - Norrland by Blaeu J. 1662
Nordlandiae et quibies Gestricia et Helsingicae
[Item number: 23141]

Northern Scandinavia by Zacharias Châtelain. 1714
Carte de la Partie Septentrionale du Royaume de Suède avec une ...
[Item number: 29412]

Northern Schleswig, by J. Janssonius, published by Moses Pitt and J. Janssonius-Waesberge 1680
Ducatus Slesvicensis Pars Septentrionalis
[Item number: 1486]

Sea chart of Norway, by Doncker H. 1686
De Custen van Noorwegen tusschen Der Neus en Schuitenes.
[Item number: 15775]

Norway, by Doncker H. 1686
De Cust van Noorwegen vertoonende van Bergen tot aen de hoek van ...
[Item number: 17064]

Sea chart of the coast of Norway, by Doncker H. 1686
De Custen van Noorwegen en Laplandt, vande Noord-kyn tot aende ...
[Item number: 12920]

Bergen (Norway) by Joan Blaeu. 1659
Dioecesis Bergensis Tabula
[Item number: 30211]

Sea chart of Norway - Finnmark, by Doncker H. 1686
De Zee-kusten van Finmarcken tusschen Dronten en Sanien.
[Item number: 17630]

Sea chart of Norway - Finnmark, by Doncker H. 1686
Caarte van Finmargken van 't Eylandt Sanien tot Noordkyn.
[Item number: 17900]

Northern Stavanger (Norway) by Joan Blaeu. 1659
Episcopatus Stavangriae Pars Borealis.
[Item number: 30209]

Nova Zemlya, by Bertius P. 1618
Novae Zemlae
[Item number: 18195]

Novaya Zemlya by Joan Blaeu. 1659
Nova Zemla
[Item number: 30204]

Chart of Novaya Zemlya, by J. Janssonius 1650
Nova Zemla, Waygats, Fretum Nassovicum, et Terra Samoiedum ...
[Item number: 6435]

Odense, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. c. 1610
Civitates Episcopalis Othenarum sive Otthoniae, ut vulgo ...
[Item number: 16703]

Odense, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1596-1640
Civitates Episcopalis Othenarum sive Otthoniae, ut vulgo ...
[Item number: 23372]

Northern Coast of Russia, by Frederick de Wit. c. 1680
Russiae et Novae Zemlae Maritimae.
[Item number: 29178]