Antique maps / Europe / Southeastern Europe
Showing 37 - 72 of 78 products
Spallato citta nobile et antiqua patria di Diocletino imperatore posta nella Dalmatia sopra il mare Adriatica loco delli Illustrissi Sri Venetiani.

Croatia - Split by Giovanni Francesco Camocio After 1575
Spallato citta nobile et antiqua patria di Diocletino imperatore ...
[Item number: 27542]

€680  ($714 / £564.4)
Trau citta nella Dalmacia vicino a Spalato posto sopra il mare Adriatico ...

Croatia - Trogir (Traù) by Giovanni Francesco Camocio After 1575
Trau citta nella Dalmacia vicino a Spalato posto sopra il mare ...
[Item number: 27554]

€500  ($525 / £415)

Dalmatia, by A. Ortelius. 1601
[Item number: 13173]

€320  ($336 / £265.6)
[No title] - [On verso:] Tabula .V. Europae.

Balkans - Dalmatia, by Lorenz Fries. 1525
[No title] - [On verso:] Tabula .V. Europae.
[Item number: 27959]

€550  ($577.5 / £456.5)

Dalmatia, by Abraham Ortelius. 1612
[Item number: 20025]

€480  ($504 / £398.4)
Contado di Zara.

Zara (Dalmatia), by Vincenzo Coronelli. 1696
Contado di Zara.
[Item number: 29000]

€500  ($525 / £415)
Danubii Fluvii Sive Turcici Imperii in Europa.

Danube and European Ottoman Empire, by Frederick de Wit. c. 1705
Danubii Fluvii Sive Turcici Imperii in Europa.
[Item number: 29279]

€320  ($336 / £265.6)
Dardanelo Fortezza dala parte dela Gretia posta nellabochadella stretto di Costatinop. del signor Turcho.

Dardanelles (Ottoman Fort) by Giovanni Francesco Camocio c. 1575
Dardanelo Fortezza dala parte dela Gretia posta nellabochadella ...
[Item number: 27624]

€320  ($336 / £265.6)
Dardanelo D Constantinopoli.

Dardanelles (Ottoman Fort) by Giovanni Francesco Camocio c. 1575
Dardanelo D Constantinopoli.
[Item number: 27625]

€320  ($336 / £265.6)
Illyricum Orientis In quo Partes II. Moesia et Thracia.

Eastern Illyricum (today's Bulgaria - Rumania), by Guillaume Sanson. 1665
Illyricum Orientis In quo Partes II. Moesia et Thracia.
[Item number: 30041]

€400  ($420 / £332)
Estats de l'Empire des Turqs en Europe.

European Ottoman Empire by N. Sanson, so-called published by Hubert Jaillot. (Pirated edition by Pierre Mortier). 1692
Estats de l'Empire des Turqs en Europe.
[Item number: 31199]

€480  ($504 / £398.4)
Karstia, Carniola, Histria et Windorum Marchia.

Carniola (Krain), Istria by Blaeu W. & J. 1644-45
Karstia, Carniola, Histria et Windorum Marchia.
[Item number: 2128]

€400  ($420 / £332)
Galipoli Citta posta sopra il Mare nel stretto di Constatinopoli citta non molto memorabile dali Scrittori locho del signor Turcho.

Gallipoli (Gelibolu) by Giovanni Francesco Camocio After 1575
Galipoli Citta posta sopra il Mare nel stretto di Constatinopoli ...
[Item number: 27623]

€480  ($504 / £398.4)
La Moree et les Isles de Zante, Cefalonie, Ste Maure, Cerigo &c.

Greece - Peloponnese by N. Sanson, so-called published by Hubert Jaillot. (Pirated edition by Pierre Mortier). 1692
La Moree et les Isles de Zante, Cefalonie, Ste Maure, Cerigo &c.
[Item number: 31197]

€650  ($682.5 / £539.5)
Carinthiae Ducatus - Histriae Tabula - Zarae et Sebenici Descriptio

Kärnten and Istria, by A. Ortelius. 1601
Carinthiae Ducatus - Histriae Tabula - Zarae et Sebenici ...
[Item number: 8083]

€300  ($315 / £249)
Carinthiae Ducatus, et Goritiae Palatinatus. - Histriae Tabula - Zarae et Sebenici Descriptio.

Kärnten and Istria by Abraham Ortelius. 1598
Carinthiae Ducatus, et Goritiae Palatinatus. - Histriae Tabula - ...
[Item number: 22922]

€250  ($262.5 / £207.5)
Golfo de Lodrin con parte di Albania.

Montenegro by Giovanni Francesco Camocio After 1575
Golfo de Lodrin con parte di Albania.
[Item number: 27547]

€550  ($577.5 / £456.5)
Antivari cita in confine della Dalmatia et Albania ...

Montenegro - Bar by Giovanni Francesco Camocio After 1575
Antivari cita in confine della Dalmatia et Albania ...
[Item number: 27551]

€400  ($420 / £332)
Castel Novo.

Montenegro - Herceg Novi (Cattaro) by Giovanni Francesco Camocio After 1575
Castel Novo.
[Item number: 27550]

€500  ($525 / £415)

Nógrád (Hungary) by J. Peeters. c. 1690
[Item number: 31404]  new

€200  ($210 / £166)
Nouvelle Carte de la Partie Occidentale de Dalmatie.

Northern Dalmatia, by Paolo Santini. 1776-79
Nouvelle Carte de la Partie Occidentale de Dalmatie.
[Item number: 27723]

€350  ($367.5 / £290.5)
A bird's-eye view of the Town, Harbours & Forts of Odessa.

Odessa (Ukraine), by H. Whittock. 1854
A bird's-eye view of the Town, Harbours & Forts of Odessa.
[Item number: 27448]

€600  ($630 / £498)
Bombardement du Port Impérial d'Odessa.

Odessa (Ukraine), by Louis Le Breton. c.1854
Bombardement du Port Impérial d'Odessa.
[Item number: 27443]

€900  ($945 / £747)

Oradea (Nagyvárad) (Romania) by J. Peeters. c. 1690
[Item number: 31402]  new

€280  ($294 / £232.4)
Vuë et Representation de la Bataille de Peterwaradin donnée le 5 D'aout 1716.

View of the Battle of Petrovaradin, 1716. 1729
Vuë et Representation de la Bataille de Peterwaradin donnée le 5 D ...
[Item number: 29305]

€450  ($472.5 / £373.5)

Romania - Transylvania by Abraham Ortelius 1601
[Item number: 13176]

€320  ($336 / £265.6)

Romania - Transylvania by Gerard Mercator, published by Henricus Hondius. c. 1610-1650
[Item number: 31206]  new

€250  ($262.5 / £207.5)
Rade de Sébastopol. Observée par quatre Vapeurs de la Flotte Anglo-Française. / Road of Sebastopol. Overseen by four Steamer of the English and French Fleet.

Sebastopol (Ukraine), by Max Beeger. 1854
Rade de Sébastopol. Observée par quatre Vapeurs de la Flotte A ...
[Item number: 27436]

€600  ($630 / £498)
Nieuwe en Accurate Caart van de onderliggende Lande van Belgrado als mededes zelfs Belegeringh, ende Marse der Keyselyke Armée. A° 1717.

Very rare map of the siege of Belgrade in 1717.
Belgrade (Serbia) and three panoramic views by Joachim Ottens. 1717-1725
Nieuwe en Accurate Caart van de onderliggende Lande van Belgrado ...
[Item number: 30237]

€1600  ($1680 / £1328)
Sibinium, Ptolemeo Sicum vulgo Sibenicho. Dalmatie Opp. [on sheet with] Parens, sive Parentium vulgo, Parenzo Histriae Opp. [and] Modon, sive Modona, quondam Methone, Civitas est Littoralis Pelopponesi, in Morea.

Sibernik, Porec and Modon, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1597
Sibinium, Ptolemeo Sicum vulgo Sibenicho. Dalmatie Opp. [on ...
[Item number: 23288]

€530  ($556.5 / £439.9)
Imperii Turcici Europaei Terra in Primis Graecia.

Southeastern Europe - Turkey by Homann Heirs 1752-1775
Imperii Turcici Europaei Terra in Primis Graecia.
[Item number: 26592]

€320  ($336 / £265.6)
Nouvelle Carte de la Partie Orientale de Dalmatie.

Southern Dalmatia, by Paolo Santini. 1776-79
Nouvelle Carte de la Partie Orientale de Dalmatie.
[Item number: 27722]

€320  ($336 / £265.6)
Tabula Rhaetiae et Vindeliciae.

Adriatic Sea by Münster S. 1571
Tabula Rhaetiae et Vindeliciae.
[Item number: 29054]

€550  ($577.5 / £456.5)
Thraciae Veteris Typus.

Parergon map
Thrace by Abraham Ortelius. 1595
Thraciae Veteris Typus.
[Item number: 30637]

€850  ($892.5 / £705.5)
Thraciae Veteris Typus.

Thrace, by Janssonius à Waesberghe. 1684
Thraciae Veteris Typus.
[Item number: 20765]

€320  ($336 / £265.6)
Rhetiae alpestris descriptio in qua hodie Tirolis Comitatus. - Goritiae, Karstii, Chaczeolae, Carniolae, Histriae, et Windorum Marchae descrip.

Tirol - Friuli, Carniola, and Istria by Abraham Ortelius. 1601
Rhetiae alpestris descriptio in qua hodie Tirolis Comitatus. - ...
[Item number: 13144]

€280  ($294 / £232.4)