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![Cel im Ham [on sheet with] Berncastel [and] Ober Manderscheidt. Nider Manderscheidt](
Zell, Berncastel, and Manderscheid, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. c. 1610
Cel im Ham [on sheet with] Berncastel [and] Ober Manderscheidt. ...
[Item number: 16729]

Würzburg, by Sebastian Munster. 1568
Herbipolis Würtzburg.
[Item number: 30603]

Würzburg by Hartmann Schedel. 1493
[Item number: 28534]

Worms, by Sebastian Münster. 1552
Vetustissima Vangionum civitas, quam hodie Wormaciam, sita ad ...
[Item number: 26802]
![[Above the map :] La très ancienne cité des Vangions, qu'on appelle auiourd'huy VVormes, assise sur le Rhin de la Gaule, pourtraicte selon la figure qu'elle a auiourd'huy. [Under the map :] La très ancienne ville de VVormes, assise sur le Rhin, ...](
Worms, by François de Belleforest. 1575
[Above the map :] La très ancienne cité des Vangions, qu'on a ...
[Item number: 27382]
![Wittenburga Saxoniae oppidum, ... [on sheet with] Civitas Francfordiensis In Marchionatu Brandeburgensi, ... [and] Wismaria, ... [and] Rostochium, ...](
Wittenberg, Frankfurt an der Oder, Wismar and Rostock, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1574
Wittenburga Saxoniae oppidum, ... [on sheet with] Civitas ...
[Item number: 5380]
![Wittenburga Saxoniae Ippid: Universali litterarum studio celebre. [on sheet with] Civitas Francfordiensis In Marchionatu Brandeburgensi, sita ad Oderam fl: optimorum Gymnasio, & Emporio mercatorum celebris. [and] Wismaria, natura loci populi frequentia, & aedificijs in Ducatu Megapolensj, Nobile Oppidum. [and] Rostochium, Megapolensis Ducatus urbs nominis celebritate, Academia prestans.](
Wittenberg - Frankfurt an der Oder - Weimar - Rostock, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1574
Wittenburga Saxoniae Ippid: Universali litterarum studio ...
[Item number: 28038]
![Wittenburga Saxoniae oppidum, ... [on sheet with] Civitas Francfordiensis In Marchionatu Brandeburgensi, ... [and] Wismaria, ... [and] Rostochium, ...](
Wittenberg - Frankfurt an der Oder - Weimar - Rostock, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1572-1624
Wittenburga Saxoniae oppidum, ... [on sheet with] Civitas ...
[Item number: 16761]

Wismar, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1596
[Item number: 27638]
![Civitatis Werdenae Exactiss: Descrip: [on sheet with:] Civitatis Essensis Exactiss. Descrip.](
Werden and Essen, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1588
Civitatis Werdenae Exactiss: Descrip: [on sheet with:] Civitatis ...
[Item number: 11151]
![Civitatis Werdenae Exactiss: Descrip: [on sheet with:] Civitatis Essensis Exactiss. Descrip.](
Werden and Essen, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1599
Civitatis Werdenae Exactiss: Descrip: [on sheet with:] Civitatis ...
[Item number: 24055]

Weimar, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1582
Weinmar - Winmaria, Fertiliss. Thuringiae Urbs Praestantissima ...
[Item number: 25085]
![Weimaria [on sheet with] Iena [and] Erdfordia [and] Gotha [and] Fuldensis Civitatis.](
Weimar - Jena - Erfurt - Gotha - Fulda by Braun & Hogenberg 1572-1624
Weimaria [on sheet with] Iena [and] Erdfordia [and] Gotha [and] ...
[Item number: 23227]

Unrecorded variant of Schut's view of Trier, by Carel Allard
View of Trier by Carel Allard. 1673
[Item number: 30562]
![Monumentum Rom. in Villa Mosel. Igell. [Title from verso]](
View of the Roman monument in Igel. 1652
Monumentum Rom. in Villa Mosel. Igell. [Title from verso]
[Item number: 28624]

View of the Market Place in Trier. 1842
Market Place - Treves.
[Item number: 30294]

View of the Market Place in Nuremberg. 1842
The shöne Brunnen - Nuremberg.
[Item number: 30295]
![Vuë et Representation de la Bataille de Hochstedt donnée le 13 D'aoust 1704. [In set with:] Plan der Roemrugtige veltslag van Hochstet door de geallieerde gewonne op den 13 Augusti 1704. - Plan de la Glorieuse Bataille s'Hochstet gagnée par les Alliez le 13 Aoust 1704.](
Hochstedt - View of the Battle of Hochstedt, 1704, by Jean Dumont. 1729
Vuë et Representation de la Bataille de Hochstedt donnée le 13 D ...
[Item number: 29336]

Unrecorded view of Mainz by Carel Allard
Mainz by Carel Allard. 1673
[Item number: 30561]

Unrecorded variant of Schut's view of Heidelberg, by Carel Allard
View of Heidelberg by Carel Allard. 1673
[Item number: 30564]

Unrecorded variant of Schut's view of Frankfurt am Main, by Carel Allard
View of Frankfurt am Main by Carel Allard. 1673
Frankfurt am Main.
[Item number: 30568]

Unrecorded variant of Schut's view of Dresden, by Carel Allard
View of Dresden by Carel Allard. 1673
[Item number: 30570]

Unrecorded variant of Schut's view of Cologne (Köln), by Carel Allard
View of Cologne (Köln) by Carel Allard. 1673
[Item number: 30553]

Unrecorded variant of Schut's view of Berlin, by Carel Allard
View of Berlin by Carel Allard. 1673
Berlin v. Cöln.
[Item number: 30575]

Unrecorded variant of Schut's view of Augsburg, by Carel Allard
View of Augsburg by Carel Allard. 1673
[Item number: 30574]

Ulm, by Hartmann Schedel. 1493
[Item number: 10102]

Ulm by Hartmann Schedel. 1493
[Item number: 24393]
![Icon Oppidi Heide [on sheet with] Delineatio Urbis Meldorpie](
Two bird's-eye plans by Braun and Hogenberg: Heide and Meldorf. 1596
Icon Oppidi Heide [on sheet with] Delineatio Urbis Meldorpie
[Item number: 24170]
![Treveris Trier [Au-dessus de la carte:] Pourtraict de la ville, & cité de Treves.](
Trier, by François de Belleforest. 1575
Treveris Trier [Au-dessus de la carte:] Pourtraict de la ville, ...
[Item number: 27213]

Segeberg (Bad Segeberg) by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg 1599
Arx Segeberga, quondam Aelberga, Wagriam, Nobilem Holsatiae ...
[Item number: 16366]

First edition
Segeberg (Bad Segeberg) by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg 1588
Arx Segeberga, quondam Aelberga, Wagriam, Nobilem Holsatiae ...
[Item number: 31052]

Staden, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. c. 1610
[Item number: 24593]

Stade by Braun and Hogenberg. 1596
[Item number: 24172]
![Die Stat Spira. - [Above:] Nemetum civitatis vetustissimae pictura, quam hodie vulgo Spiram appellant.](
Speyer, by Sebastian Münster. 1552
Die Stat Spira. - [Above:] Nemetum civitatis vetustissimae ...
[Item number: 26849]

Speyer, by François Belleforest. 1575
Die Stat Spira. - La cité de Spire dont les habitans ont esté a ...
[Item number: 27299]
![Soest [on sheet with] Warborch - Warburgum, elegans Westphaliae Opp.](
Soest and Warburg, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1599
Soest [on sheet with] Warborch - Warburgum, elegans Westphaliae ...
[Item number: 24052]