Antique maps / Europe / Germany - Cities
Showing 1 - 36 of 205 products
Cel im Ham [on sheet with] Berncastel [and] Ober Manderscheidt. Nider Manderscheidt

Zell, Berncastel, and Manderscheid, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. c. 1610
Cel im Ham [on sheet with] Berncastel [and] Ober Manderscheidt. ...
[Item number: 16729]

€650  ($669.5 / £539.5)
Herbipolis  Würtzburg.

Würzburg, by Sebastian Munster. 1568
Herbipolis Würtzburg.
[Item number: 30603]

€250  ($257.5 / £207.5)

Würzburg by Hartmann Schedel. 1493
[Item number: 28534]

€650  ($669.5 / £539.5)
Vetustissima Vangionum civitas, quam hodie Wormaciam, sita ad Rhenum in littore Gallico, expressa hic iuxta formam quam nostro habet aevo.

Worms, by Sebastian Münster. 1552
Vetustissima Vangionum civitas, quam hodie Wormaciam, sita ad ...
[Item number: 26802]

€250  ($257.5 / £207.5)
[Above the map :] La très ancienne cité des Vangions, qu'on appelle auiourd'huy VVormes, assise sur le Rhin de la Gaule, pourtraicte selon la figure qu'elle a auiourd'huy. [Under the map :] La très ancienne ville de VVormes, assise sur le Rhin, ...

Worms, by François de Belleforest. 1575
[Above the map :] La très ancienne cité des Vangions, qu'on a ...
[Item number: 27382]

€300  ($309 / £249)
Wittenburga Saxoniae oppidum, ... [on sheet with]  Civitas Francfordiensis In Marchionatu Brandeburgensi, ... [and] Wismaria, ... [and] Rostochium, ...

Wittenberg, Frankfurt an der Oder, Wismar and Rostock, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1574
Wittenburga Saxoniae oppidum, ... [on sheet with] Civitas ...
[Item number: 5380]

€350  ($360.5 / £290.5)
Wittenburga Saxoniae Ippid: Universali litterarum studio celebre. [on sheet with]  Civitas Francfordiensis In Marchionatu Brandeburgensi, sita ad Oderam fl: optimorum Gymnasio, & Emporio mercatorum celebris. [and] Wismaria, natura loci populi frequentia, & aedificijs in Ducatu Megapolensj, Nobile Oppidum. [and] Rostochium, Megapolensis Ducatus urbs nominis celebritate,  Academia prestans.

Wittenberg - Frankfurt an der Oder - Weimar - Rostock, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1574
Wittenburga Saxoniae Ippid: Universali litterarum studio ...
[Item number: 28038]

€280  ($288.4 / £232.4)
Wittenburga Saxoniae oppidum, ... [on sheet with]  Civitas Francfordiensis In Marchionatu Brandeburgensi, ... [and] Wismaria, ... [and] Rostochium, ...

Wittenberg - Frankfurt an der Oder - Weimar - Rostock, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1572-1624
Wittenburga Saxoniae oppidum, ... [on sheet with] Civitas ...
[Item number: 16761]

€350  ($360.5 / £290.5)

Wismar, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1596
[Item number: 27638]

€720  ($741.6 / £597.6)
Civitatis Werdenae Exactiss: Descrip: [on sheet with:] Civitatis Essensis Exactiss. Descrip.

Werden and Essen, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1588
Civitatis Werdenae Exactiss: Descrip: [on sheet with:] Civitatis ...
[Item number: 11151]

€700  ($721 / £581)
Civitatis Werdenae Exactiss: Descrip: [on sheet with:] Civitatis Essensis Exactiss. Descrip.

Werden and Essen, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1599
Civitatis Werdenae Exactiss: Descrip: [on sheet with:] Civitatis ...
[Item number: 24055]

€400  ($412 / £332)
Weinmar - Winmaria, Fertiliss. Thuringiae Urbs Praestantissima vulgo Weinmar

Weimar, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1582
Weinmar - Winmaria, Fertiliss. Thuringiae Urbs Praestantissima ...
[Item number: 25085]

€320  ($329.6 / £265.6)
Weimaria [on sheet with] Iena [and] Erdfordia [and] Gotha [and] Fuldensis Civitatis.

Weimar - Jena - Erfurt - Gotha - Fulda by Braun & Hogenberg 1572-1624
Weimaria [on sheet with] Iena [and] Erdfordia [and] Gotha [and] ...
[Item number: 23227]  new

€550  ($566.5 / £456.5)

Unrecorded variant of Schut's view of Trier, by Carel Allard
View of Trier by Carel Allard. 1673
[Item number: 30562]

€600  ($618 / £498)
Monumentum Rom. in Villa Mosel. Igell. [Title from verso]

View of the Roman monument in Igel. 1652
Monumentum Rom. in Villa Mosel. Igell. [Title from verso]
[Item number: 28624]

€350  ($360.5 / £290.5)
Market Place - Treves.

View of the Market Place in Trier. 1842
Market Place - Treves.
[Item number: 30294]

€350  ($360.5 / £290.5)
The shöne Brunnen - Nuremberg.

View of the Market Place in Nuremberg. 1842
The shöne Brunnen - Nuremberg.
[Item number: 30295]

€280  ($288.4 / £232.4)
Vuë et Representation de la Bataille de Hochstedt donnée le 13 D'aoust 1704. [In set with:] Plan der Roemrugtige veltslag van Hochstet door de geallieerde gewonne op den 13 Augusti 1704. - Plan de la Glorieuse Bataille s'Hochstet gagnée par les Alliez le 13 Aoust 1704.

Hochstedt - View of the Battle of Hochstedt, 1704, by Jean Dumont. 1729
Vuë et Representation de la Bataille de Hochstedt donnée le 13 D ...
[Item number: 29336]

€500  ($515 / £415)

Unrecorded view of Mainz by Carel Allard
Mainz by Carel Allard. 1673
[Item number: 30561]

€600  ($618 / £498)

Unrecorded variant of Schut's view of Heidelberg, by Carel Allard
View of Heidelberg by Carel Allard. 1673
[Item number: 30564]

€650  ($669.5 / £539.5)
Frankfurt am Main.

Unrecorded variant of Schut's view of Frankfurt am Main, by Carel Allard
View of Frankfurt am Main by Carel Allard. 1673
Frankfurt am Main.
[Item number: 30568]

€700  ($721 / £581)

Unrecorded variant of Schut's view of Dresden, by Carel Allard
View of Dresden by Carel Allard. 1673
[Item number: 30570]

€500  ($515 / £415)

Unrecorded variant of Schut's view of Cologne (Köln), by Carel Allard
View of Cologne (Köln) by Carel Allard. 1673
[Item number: 30553]

€900  ($927 / £747)
Berlin v. Cöln.

Unrecorded variant of Schut's view of Berlin, by Carel Allard
View of Berlin by Carel Allard. 1673
Berlin v. Cöln.
[Item number: 30575]

€850  ($875.5 / £705.5)

Unrecorded variant of Schut's view of Augsburg, by Carel Allard
View of Augsburg by Carel Allard. 1673
[Item number: 30574]

€750  ($772.5 / £622.5)

Ulm, by Hartmann Schedel. 1493
[Item number: 10102]

€700  ($721 / £581)

Ulm by Hartmann Schedel. 1493
[Item number: 24393]

€550  ($566.5 / £456.5)
Icon Oppidi Heide [on sheet with] Delineatio Urbis Meldorpie

Two bird's-eye plans by Braun and Hogenberg: Heide and Meldorf. 1596
Icon Oppidi Heide [on sheet with] Delineatio Urbis Meldorpie
[Item number: 24170]

€300  ($309 / £249)
Treveris Trier [Au-dessus de la carte:] Pourtraict de la ville,  & cité de Treves.

Trier, by François de Belleforest. 1575
Treveris Trier [Au-dessus de la carte:] Pourtraict de la ville, ...
[Item number: 27213]

€450  ($463.5 / £373.5)
Arx Segeberga, quondam Aelberga, Wagriam, Nobilem Holsatiae Regionem, exornat. . . .

Segeberg (Bad Segeberg) by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg 1599
Arx Segeberga, quondam Aelberga, Wagriam, Nobilem Holsatiae ...
[Item number: 16366]

€550  ($566.5 / £456.5)
Arx Segeberga, quondam Aelberga, Wagriam, Nobilem Holsatiae Regionem, exornat. . . .

First edition
Segeberg (Bad Segeberg) by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg 1588
Arx Segeberga, quondam Aelberga, Wagriam, Nobilem Holsatiae ...
[Item number: 31052]

€320  ($329.6 / £265.6)

Staden, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. c. 1610
[Item number: 24593]

€420  ($432.6 / £348.6)

Stade by Braun and Hogenberg. 1596
[Item number: 24172]

€380  ($391.4 / £315.4)
Die Stat Spira. - [Above:] Nemetum civitatis vetustissimae pictura, quam hodie vulgo Spiram appellant.

Speyer, by Sebastian Münster. 1552
Die Stat Spira. - [Above:] Nemetum civitatis vetustissimae ...
[Item number: 26849]

€250  ($257.5 / £207.5)
Die Stat Spira. - La cité de Spire dont les habitans ont esté autrefois appellez Nemetes, & le lieu où ils demouroyent, la cité des Nemeteens, ... - La peincture de la cité tres-ancienne des Nemetiens, qu'on appelle auiourd'huy vulgairement Spire.

Speyer, by François Belleforest. 1575
Die Stat Spira. - La cité de Spire dont les habitans ont esté a ...
[Item number: 27299]

€300  ($309 / £249)
Soest [on sheet with] Warborch - Warburgum, elegans Westphaliae Opp.

Soest and Warburg, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1599
Soest [on sheet with] Warborch - Warburgum, elegans Westphaliae ...
[Item number: 24052]

€300  ($309 / £249)