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's Hertogenbosch, by François de Belleforest. 1575
Bolduch. - Le plant et pourtraict de la ville de Bolduc, une des ...
[Item number: 27385]
![Tshertogenbosch - Buscumducis oppidum ludo Literario, ... [on sheet with] Loeven - Lovanium Perantiqua Brabantiae urbs ... [and] Machelen - Nitidissimae Civitatis Mechlin ...](
's Hertogenbosch, Leuven (Louvain) and Mechelen, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1582
Tshertogenbosch - Buscumducis oppidum ludo Literario, ... [on ...
[Item number: 16669]
![Tshertogenbosch - Buscumducis oppidum ludo Literario, ... [on sheet with] Loeven - Lovanium Perantiqua Brabantiae urbs ... [and] Machelen - Nitidissimae Civitatis Mechlin ...](
's Hertogenbosch, Leuven (Louvain), and Mechelen, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1599
Tshertogenbosch - Buscumducis oppidum ludo Literario, ... [on ...
[Item number: 23224]

First edition
's-Hertogenbosch by L. Guicciardini 1567
[Item number: 30815]

Alkmaar by Blaeu J. 1652
[Item number: 19557]

Amersfoort by Braun Georg & Hogenberg Frans c. 1593
Amorfortia Diocesis Ultraiectensis Oppidum amoenitate loci ...
[Item number: 15424]

Amsteram by Sebastian Münster 1552
La ville de Roterdam.
[Item number: 27468]

Amsterdam by Pierre Aveline, published in Paris by Jean. c. 1780
Amsterdam Ville du Comté de Hollande et la plus considerable des ...
[Item number: 28778]
![La Ville de Roterdam. [sic = Amsterdam]](
Amsterdam by Sebastian Münster. 1552
La Ville de Roterdam. [sic = Amsterdam]
[Item number: 28225]

Amsterdam, by Lodovico Guicciardini. 1652
[Item number: 29362]

Amsterdam, by M. Merian. 1638
[Item number: 25887]

Zwolle, by Braun and Hogenberg. 1599
Swolla diu celebris meruit virtutibus Arma: ...
[Item number: 24050]

Bergen-op-Zoom, by Braun and Hogenberg. 1599
Bergen op Zoom - Berga, ad Somam, Brabantiae Opp: a fluvi olo ...
[Item number: 24029]

Gouda, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1599
Gouda, elegantiss. Hollandiae Opp. ad Isalam amnem, ubi Goudam ...
[Item number: 24088]

Middelburg, by Braun & Hogenberg. 1597
Middelburgum, Selandiae Opp: Situ, Opere, et Mercimoniis, ...
[Item number: 23982]

Extremely rare and important plan
's Hertogenbosch by J.B. Vrientius. c. 1603
Vraye et naturelle Carte topographique de la ville de Boisleduc, ...
[Item number: 22488]

s-Hertogenbosch by Braun & Hogenberg 1612
t's Hertogenbosch
[Item number: 13655]

Arnhem, Venlo, Gelre, Roermond, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1623
Arnhemium (on sheet with) Venlonum (and) Gelria (and) Ruremunda.
[Item number: 22200]

Antique map of Bergen-op-Zoom by Blaeu J. 1649
Berghen op Zoom
[Item number: 657]
![Bolzvardia vetus in Frisia Foederis Anzae teurinicae Op. [on sheet with] Stavria, vulgo Stavere ... [and] Harlinga [and] Hindelop.](
Bolsward, Stavoren, Harlingen, Hindelopen by Braun & Hogenberg. 1599
Bolzvardia vetus in Frisia Foederis Anzae teurinicae Op. [on ...
[Item number: 22261]

Deventer, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1581-88
Deventer - Liberae et Hanseaticae Urbis Daventriensis Delineatio.
[Item number: 22214]

Dordrecht, by Braun & Hogenberg 1581
[Item number: 18009]

Dordrecht by Braun and Hogenberg 1616
[Item number: 4158]

Gennep, by Blaeu J. 1652
De Stadt Gennep - t'Huys te Gennep
[Item number: 19694]

Gouda, by Janssonius J. 1657
[Item number: 17359]

Middelburg by Braun & Hogenberg 1575
Middelburgum, Selandiae Opp: Situ, Opere, et Mercimoniis, ...
[Item number: 4669]

Ravestein - Helmont, by Blaeu J. 1649
Ravestein - Helmont.
[Item number: 14914]

Rotterdam - Gouda, by Johannes Janssonius. 1657
Roterodamum ... - Goude ...
[Item number: 2003]
![Sneecha, vulgo Sneeck ... [on sheet with] Doccum [and] Sloten [and] Ylsta.](
Sneek, Doccum, Sloten, IJlst, by Braun & Hogenberg. 1599
Sneecha, vulgo Sneeck ... [on sheet with] Doccum [and] Sloten ...
[Item number: 22263]

Zierikzee, by Janssonius J. 1657
Zirizea Vulgo Zierickzee
[Item number: 6239]

Zwartsluis, by Joan Blaeu. 1649
[Item number: 5983]

Simon Stevin 's sail-cart.
Prince Maurits' big sailing carriage, designed by Simon Stevin. 1649
Currus Veliferi Illmi Mauritii Nassovii.
[Item number: 29662]

Arnhem by Ludovico Guicciardini. 1581
Arnhemium Gelriae in Ripa Rheni Opp.
[Item number: 13625]

Arnhem, by Joan Blaeu. 1649
[Item number: 16784]

Arnhem, Venlo, Gelre and Roermond, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1581-88
Arnhemium (on sheet with) Venlonum (and) Gelria (and) Ruremunda.
[Item number: 21605]

Arnhem, Venlo, Gelre, Roermond, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1588
Arnhemium (on sheet with) Venlonum (and) Gelria (and) Ruremunda
[Item number: 2009]