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Neuss by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. c. 1593
Novesium, circa annum 1206. . .
[Item number: 24567]

Ratzeburg, by Braun & Hogenberg. 1596
[Item number: 23384]
![Colonia [on verso:] Augusta](
Cologne and Augsburg (recto-verso), by Hartmann Schedel. 1493
Colonia [on verso:] Augusta
[Item number: 2964]

Unrecorded view of Mainz by Carel Allard
Mainz by Carel Allard. 1673
[Item number: 30561]

Unrecorded variant of Schut's view of Trier, by Carel Allard
View of Trier by Carel Allard. 1673
[Item number: 30562]

Hall - Hildesheim by Braun & Hogenberg 1598
Salinae Saxoniae. Hall in Sachsen
[Item number: 23387]

Leipzig, by Braun and Hogenberg. 1617
Lipsiae Insignis Saxoniae Urbis et Celeberrimi Emporij Vera ...
[Item number: 22137]

Passau, by Hartmann Schedel. 1493
[Item number: 10103]
![Eisleben - Eislebia Comitatus Mansfeldiae Opp. [on sheet with] Tubingen - Tubinga.](
Eisleben and Tübingen by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. c. 1593
Eisleben - Eislebia Comitatus Mansfeldiae Opp. [on sheet with] ...
[Item number: 16307]
![Brixen - Brixia Tyrolis [on sheet with] Laugingen - Laubinga Sueviae Opp. Alberti Magni Patria.](
Bressanone (Brixen) & Lauingen, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. c. 1593
Brixen - Brixia Tyrolis [on sheet with] Laugingen - Laubinga ...
[Item number: 24575]
![Ober Wesell [on sheet with] Boppart](
Oberwesel and Boppard by Braun & Hogenberg 1588-97
Ober Wesell [on sheet with] Boppart
[Item number: 15683]

Regensburg, by H. Schedel. 1493
[Item number: 26582]

Five, views of Kleve - Schenkenschans by Joan Blaeu. 1652
Schenken-Schans + Het Tolhuis + Griethuisen + 'T Huis te Hal + ...
[Item number: 5313]
![Hailbrunna [on sheet with:] Mulhusium [and] Reutlinga](
Heilbronn - Mulhouse - Reutlingen by Braun & Hogenberg 1618
Hailbrunna [on sheet with:] Mulhusium [and] Reutlinga
[Item number: 23421]

Eckernförde by Braun & Hogenberg 1596-1640
Ekelenforda antiquum Holsatiae ad Oceanum peninsulare oppidum.
[Item number: 23373]

Berlin, by Nicolaes Visscher & Pieter Hendricksz. Schut. 1658/60
Berlin v. Cöln.
[Item number: 26650]
![Soest [on sheet with] Warborch - Warburgum, elegans Westphaliae Opp.](
Soest - Warburg by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg 1581-88
Soest [on sheet with] Warborch - Warburgum, elegans Westphaliae ...
[Item number: 23207]

Aachen by Braun & Hogenberg 1582
Aquisgranum, vulgo Aich, ad Menapiorum fines, perantiqua Imperij ...
[Item number: 25488]
![Weimaria [on sheet with] Iena [and] Erdfordia [and] Gotha [and] Fuldensis Civitatis.](
Weimar - Jena - Erfurt - Gotha - Fulda by Braun & Hogenberg 1572-1624
Weimaria [on sheet with] Iena [and] Erdfordia [and] Gotha [and] ...
[Item number: 23227]

Ulm by Hartmann Schedel. 1493
[Item number: 24393]

Freiberg (Saxony), by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1575-1612
Fribergum Misinae
[Item number: 23279]
![Nurnberga Florentissimum Germaniae Emporium, ... [on sheet with] Ulma Imperialis in Suevia [and] Saltzburg Urbis Salisburgensis Genvina Descriptio [and] Lindaw - Lindoia, Oppidum Imperij insulare, ...](
Nürnberg, Ulm, Salzburg, and Lindau, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1599
Nurnberga Florentissimum Germaniae Emporium, ... [on sheet with] ...
[Item number: 23926]

Neuss by Braun and Hogenberg. 1588-97
Novesium, circa annum 1206. . .
[Item number: 24097]

Segeberg (Bad Segeberg) by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg 1599
Arx Segeberga, quondam Aelberga, Wagriam, Nobilem Holsatiae ...
[Item number: 16366]
![Icon Oppidi Heide [on sheet with] Delineatio Urbis Meldorpie.](
Heide & Meldorf by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1623
Icon Oppidi Heide [on sheet with] Delineatio Urbis Meldorpie.
[Item number: 23379]

Budingen by Braun & Hogenberg 1618
[Item number: 23418]
![Monacum, nominatis sima Bavariae, Civitas [on sheet with] Ingolstadium [and] Frisingensis ... [and] Nordlinga ... [and] Ratispona ... [and] Straubinga ...](
München, Ingolstadt, Freissing, Nördlingen, Regensburg and Straubing, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1577
Monacum, nominatis sima Bavariae, Civitas [on sheet with] ...
[Item number: 26679]

Konstanz by Hartmann Schedel. 1493
[Item number: 24392]

Erfurt by Hartmann Schedel. 1493
[Item number: 24394]

Magdeburg, by H. Schedel. 1493
[Item number: 17061]
![Chorographica Descriptio Civitatis Cocheimensis [on sheet with] Exactissima Civitatis Monasteriensis in Campo Meyfeldensi Chorographica Des.](
Cochem and Münstermaifeld, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. 1600
Chorographica Descriptio Civitatis Cocheimensis [on sheet with] ...
[Item number: 23367]

Bremen, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. c. 1610
[Item number: 16673]

Frankfurt am Main, by Nicolaes Visscher & Pieter Hendricksz. Schut. 1658/60
Francfurt, am Main.
[Item number: 26652]
![Monasterium, Urbs in Media Westphalia Celeberrimi Nominis ... [on sheet with] Osnabrugum Elegans Saxoniae Opp. [and] Wesalia Inferior.](
Munster - Osnabruck - Wesel by Braun & Hogenberg 1582
Monasterium, Urbs in Media Westphalia Celeberrimi Nominis ... ...
[Item number: 25492]
![Novesium vulgo Neus ... [on sheet with:] Verona, nunc Bonna, ... [and] Brula, vulgari idiomate Broell; 1575. [and] Sontina, Zunss Oppidum ad Rheni ripas, ...](
Neuss, Bonn, Brühl, and Zons, by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1582
Novesium vulgo Neus ... [on sheet with:] Verona, nunc Bonna, ... ...
[Item number: 18016]

Magdeburg by Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg. 1577
Magdeburgum a venere quae hic quondam colebatur parthenopolis ...
[Item number: 25498]