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The first sea chart relating to North America to use the Mercator projection
Atlantic Ocean. by P. Goos - J. Van Keulen c. 1680
West-Indische Paskaert waer in de graden der breedde over ...
[Item number: 25938]
One of the most elaborately engraved maps ever published.
Pacific by Zacharias Châtelain after Nicolas de Fer. 1719
Carte tres Curieuse de la Mer du Sud, Contenant des Remarques ...
[Item number: 29466]
Very rare second state, including the Tasman discoveries (Australia).
Indian Ocean, by Petrus Schenk c. 1700
Mar di India.
[Item number: 27775]
Pacific Ocean by Abraham Ortelius. 1601
Maris Pacifici, (quod vulgo Mar del Zur) cum regionibus ...
[Item number: 28744]
Important map.
South Asia by G.B. Ramusio. 1563
Seconda Tavola.
[Item number: 29488]
Rare First State
Indian Ocean by J. Janssonius 1650
Mar di India.
[Item number: 30945]
Pacific Ocean, by Frederick de Wit. c. 1680
Magnum Mare del Zur cum Insula California = De Groote Zuyd-Zee ...
[Item number: 29241]
Atlantic Ocean - Europe, Africa & Eastern Canada by Giovanni Francesco Camocio c. 1575
[No title]
[Item number: 27086]
Luxury colouring!
The Canary Islands, by Pieter Goos. 1666
Caarte voor en Gedeelte der Canarise Eylanden als Canaria, ...
[Item number: 25612]
The Western Atlantic Ocean, by Frederick de Wit. c. 1680
Terra Nova ac Maris Tractus circa Novam Franciam, Angliam, ...
[Item number: 29175]
Heightened in gold and silver
Atlantic Ocean by Theodore De Bry, Great Voyages, 1599
[No title]
[Item number: 30730]
Indian Ocean, by J.N. Bellin. 1756-1770
Carte Réduite de l'Océan Oriental ou Mers des Indes.
[Item number: 28148]
The English Channel, by Frederick de Wit. c. 1680
Canalis inter Angliae et Galliae Littera. - Pascaert van 't ...
[Item number: 29171]
Bermuda by Joannes Janssonius. 1666
Mappa Aestivarum Insularum alias Barmudas dictarum, ...
[Item number: 29951]
Bermuda, by Johannes Janssonius. 1641
Mappa Aestivarum Insularum alias Barmudas dictarum, ...
[Item number: 26460]
The Atlantic Ocean, by G.L. Le Rouge. 1778
Ocean Atlantique et Mers Adjacentes en Quatre Feuilles Contenant ...
[Item number: 14086]
New Guinea, by W.C. Schouten 1618
Caarte van Nova Guinea, Nieulijck inden iare 1616 bezeijlt, ende ...
[Item number: 25400]
Pacific Ocean (North) by Francesco & Paolo Santini 1776-79
Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes au Nord de la Mer du Sud, tant à ...
[Item number: 26979]
Half globe gore of the Indian Ocean - Madagascar. 1696
[No title]
[Item number: 28826]
The Atlantic Ocean, by J. Van Keulen. 1697-1709
Nieuwe Paskaert vande Gheheele Westersche Scheep-Vaert, op Nieus ...
[Item number: 11218]
Mauritius, by François Valentyn (Valentijn). 1724-26
Kaart van het Eyland Mauritius.
[Item number: 30908]
The Azores, by Johannes Van Keulen. 1681
Nieuwe Pascaert van Alle de Vlaemse Eylanden
[Item number: 12094]
Azores, by Abraham Ortelius. 1612
Açores Insulae.
[Item number: 29890]
Rare chart showing the route taken by Schouten and le Maire from South America to New Guinea, by Michiel Colijn. 1622
Caerte van de zeylage van Jacob le Maire over de Zuydzee, ...
[Item number: 25104]
Canary Islands, by Hendrick Doncker. 1686
Canarische Eylanden Canaria Tenerifa, Forteventura etc. t' ...
[Item number: 15419]
Canary Islands, by Joan Blaeu. 1664-65
Insulae Canariae alias Fortunatae Dictae
[Item number: 14157]
Sea chart of the northwest coast of Africa, with the Azores, Canary Islands and Cape Verde Islands, by Johannes Van Keulen. 1680-1694
Paskaart van de Cust van Portugal, Barbaria, en Genehoa ...
[Item number: 26808]
Tropical Atlantic Coast of Africa, by Frederick de Wit. c. 1691-97
Tractus Littorales Guineae a Promontorio Verde usque ad Sinum ...
[Item number: 29258]
Hawaii by Vandermaelen Philippe. (Sandwich Islands) 1827
Iles Sandwich.
[Item number: 29556]
Red Sea by Covens & Mortier 1721-41
Carte Particuliere de la Mer Rouge &c. ...
[Item number: 23601]
Canary Islands by Covens & Mortier 1721-41
Insulae Canariae olim Fortunatae Dictae.
[Item number: 25829]
The Azores, by J.N. Bellin. 1756-1770
Carte Réduite des Isles Açores.
[Item number: 28977]
Sea chart of South-West African Coast, by Pieter Goos. 1667
Pas-Kaarte van de Zuyd-West-Kust van Afrika; van Cabo Negro tot ...
[Item number: 19073]
Central America, by Pieter Goos. 1667
Pascaerte van Nova Hispania Chili, Peru, en Guatimala
[Item number: 19031]
Canary Islands by Pieter van der Aa. 1713
Canaries, ou Iles Fortunées.
[Item number: 26163]
The Northern Pacific Ocean, by T.C. Lotter. 1780
Carte de l'Ocean Pacifique au Nord de l'Equateur, et des Cotes ...
[Item number: 11984]