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The most accurate and one of the most elegant seventeenth-century maps of the East Indies
Southeast Asia by Janssonius, Johannes c. 1630-1650
Indiae Orientalis Nova Descriptio.
[Item number: 30855]

Southeast Asia by Nicolaes Visscher I. 1678
Indiae Orientalis nec non Insularum Adiacentium Nova Descriptio.
[Item number: 28555]

Southeast Asia by Nicolaes Visscher, published by Petrus Schenk. c. 1740
Indiae Orientalis nec non Insularum Adiacentium Nova Descriptio.
[Item number: 25718]

Southeast Asia by Rigobert Bonne. 1690
Carte des Indes en deçà et au dela du Gange; avec les Isles de l ...
[Item number: 28304]
![Isole Molucche.- [Above map :] Descrittione del l'Isole Molucche.](
Southeast Asia by Tommaso Porcacchi. 1590
Isole Molucche.- [Above map :] Descrittione del l'Isole Molucche.
[Item number: 29788]

This map has the first accurate depiction of the Philippines
Southeast Asia by Willem & Joan Blaeu 1640-43
India quae Orientalis dicitur et Insulae Adiacentes.
[Item number: 26566]

Very rare first 1570 A edition.
Southeast Asia, by Abraham Ortelius. 1570
Indiae Orientalis Insularumque Adiacientium Typus.
[Item number: 30592]

A very important map of the region
Southeast Asia, by Abraham Ortelius. 1572
Indiae Orientalis Insularumque Adiacientium Typus.
[Item number: 28046]

Southeast Asia, by Emanuel Bowen. 1747
A New and Accurate Map of the East India Islands.
[Item number: 28012]

Southeast Asia, by G. Mercator - J. Hondius (small) 1607
India Orientalis.
[Item number: 25186]

Southeast Asia, by J.B. d'Anville. 1746-53
Seconde Partie de la Carte d'Asie Contenant la Chine et Partie ...
[Item number: 27401]
![[No title - on verso:] Tabula Moder. Indiae Orientalis.](
Rare 1525 edition in nice old colour.
Ptolemy map of Southeast Asia by Lorenz Fries, after Martin Waldseemüller. 1525
[No title - on verso:] Tabula Moder. Indiae Orientalis.
[Item number: 30658]

Southeast Asia, by Z. Châtelain. 1719
Carte des Indes, de la Chine & des Iles de Sumatra, Java &c.
[Item number: 29376]

Southeast Asia, par Robert de Vaugondy. c. 1757
Archipel des Indes Orientales qui Comprend les Isles de la ...
[Item number: 4751]
![[No titel - from verso:] Tab. Moderna Indiae.](
Rare 1525 edition in nice old colour.
Ptolemy map of southern Asia by Lorenz Fries, after Martin Waldseemüller. 1525
[No titel - from verso:] Tab. Moderna Indiae.
[Item number: 30650]

Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula, by Sebastian Münster. 1588
Sumatra ein grosse Insel so von den alten Geographen Taprobana ...
[Item number: 27586]

Sumatra by Barent Langenes & Cornelis Claesz c. 1600
Sumatra Insula.
[Item number: 26932]

Sumatra by P. Van der Aa 1713
L'Île de Sumatra.
[Item number: 26126]
![Sumatra [Title above map:] Description de Sumatre.](
Sumatra by Petrus Bertius. 1618
Sumatra [Title above map:] Description de Sumatre.
[Item number: 28393]

Sumatra, by G. Valk & P. Schenk. c. 1700
Sumatrae et Insularum Locorumque Nonnullorum Circumiacentium ...
[Item number: 25714]

The Banda Islands (Southeast) & Northern Australia, by Fr. Valentyn. 1724-26
Kaart van de Zuyd-Ooster Eylanden van Banda.
[Item number: 26608]

The Moluccas - Ternate and adjacent islands, by Pieter Van der Aa. 1713
Les Îles Moluques.
[Item number: 26124]

The Moluccas by François Valentyn (Valentijn). 1724
De Landvoogdy der Moluccos, met de aangrenzende Eylanden.
[Item number: 17559]

The Moluccas by Vincenzo Coronelli. 1696
Le Molucchi.
[Item number: 28944]
![D'Indize kusten van Bengale, Pegu, Malacca en Siam tot in China, met d'Eylanden Sumatra, Iava, Borneo, Moluccos en andere. [with:] De vaste kusten en eylanden van Indien, van Pegu en Malacca af, tot aan de Moluccos, etc.](
Southeast Asia by Pieter Vander Aa, two maps. 1714
D'Indize kusten van Bengale, Pegu, Malacca en Siam tot in China, ...
[Item number: 31123]
![Tabu. Moder. Indiae [together with] India Orien talis.](
Two early modern maps of Southeast Asia by L. Fries and M. Waldseemüller
South Asia by Lorens Fries 1535
Tabu. Moder. Indiae [together with] India Orien talis.
[Item number: 30141]

View of Banten (Indonesia), by Carel Allard. 1685/90
[Item number: 30580]

View of Baungdwet (Myanmar), by Carel Allard. 1685/90
Bandel ofte Reede Voorde Stadt Arakan.
[Item number: 30581]